My guides jumped in during a channeling session late that morning to say, “When we say ‘higher calling,’ we do not mean you will be hearing a bell ring and suddenly you will know your purpose, align your ego with your soul and experience miracles.
What we mean is you will begin to ‘know’ your purpose more, be more aligned with it and willing to follow it FEARLESSLY!
This is the shift from fear to faith.”
At 9:30am I awoke today. Daylight had finally aroused me. I looked about the room hazily.
“Ugh!” I felt awful. I had slept late once again! For the last few weeks I had been suffering from a level of exhaustion directly unrelated to my level of activity.
Granted I had been busy, but this level of malaise was not merited. It seemed like this cloud of heavy emptiness, lethargy and disconnection could not be lifted. I was not sad, just sleepy.
Rather than run around in a flurry of guilt, I relaxed. I knew something was up. The earth’s energies were shifting. Even my cell phone did not work for a time last week. When I turned on the news I discovered a sun spot had erupted the day before.

A heavy veil was lifting from my consciousness. Traditional limitations were being replaced with the higher frequency of miracles. This was true for everyone going through the shift.
My guides jumped in during a channeling session late that morning to say, “When we say ‘higher calling,’ we do not mean you will be hearing a bell ring and suddenly you will know your purpose, align your ego with your soul and experience miracles.

What we mean is you will begin to ‘know’ your purpose more, be more aligned with it and willing to follow it FEARLESSLY!
This is the shift from fear to faith.”
I continued to busy myself with nothing but “bonbons” as the day progressed.
My entire business halted. No phone calls. No appointments. Even the event machine I had created seemed to shut down.
Rather than run around frightened to death that my world was ending, I would be homeless, and helplessly so, for the first time I relaxed and smiled.
I knew something big was around the corner.
All I had to do was align with it. I began to eat some white chocolate after the bonbons and taking another nap in bed. Then I yawned.
I was lazily awaiting the next wave of energy, purpose and direction. My cells, consciousness and energies were realigning, readying themselves for the next big thing.
Later that afternoon the phone rang. It was from a lovely new contact announcing she wanted to attend an event I was running.
As our conversation continued she spoke about an emotional de-tox program she was doing. I inquired more about it. This led me to a website.
On the site I found a well known “Transformational Coach,” who was birthing in the new millennium with a program eerily similar to “The Spiritual Millionaire.” The first step of her program is the same as the step spirit sent through me.
“Let Go.”
I had begun my process of letting go. From this many toxic emotional ties were being unraveled. I was becoming freer and aligning with my soul.
This coach’s work confirmed mine.
Now all I had to do was ask what was next. It would flawlessly appear. I would continue my gratitude and forgiveness exercises, aligning with my soul’s purpose and entirely receiving my clues.
So long as I remained in PLAY I knew the next clue would arrive.
The Spiritual Millionaire was working.
“Thank you, spirit, for leading me,” I thought as I stared out the window at the beautiful sunset. I yawned again. Things were getting very exciting indeed.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Spirit Millionaire Manifesting, Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Millionaire Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.