Also check out “Are You Rising to Higher Frequencies,” to learn how it feels when you shift and why is is desirable to do so.
Here are the ways to raise your vibration. If you take steps to raise your vibration you will find shifting with the new earth energies will be easier for you.
- Meditation. Mindfulness. Make time to communicate with yourself. Check in. Spend time alone, down time. Prayer. Ask for guidance. Pay attention to how you feel with gratitude lists.
- Detox your body, mind and emotions. Body: Eat with awareness and compassion (vegan?). Drink plenty of water. Mind: Avoid toxic media and negative, limiting beliefs. Emotions: Avoid toxic relationships. Set healthy boundaries. Love yourself and others.
Cover of The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure - Consciousness. Talk with spiritually conscious people. Read spiritual books. Watch spiritual movies. Some spiritual literature examples include Sanaya Roman’s, “Opening to Channel,” Dr. Michael Newton, “Journey of Souls,” “The Celestine Prophecy.”
- Forgiveness. Let go of resentments and jealousy. Forgive yourself and others of transgressions. See the higher good and higher self in all, believing the best about yourself and others.
- Communications. Communicate from the heart. Be truthful, loving and nurturing to yourself and others. Express appreciation and praise.
- Kindness. Practice random acts of kindness towards yourself and others. Nurture yourself and others including animals. Treat imperfections with compassion and kindness.
- Give to Get. Give gratitude, appreciation and praise. Give away things you no longer need (clear your home of unneeded possessions, clothing, stagnant energy). Give energy, action and time to raise your vibration to attract.
- Let go and let God. Release outcome. Allow things to be as they are. Accept what is. Go with the flow.
- Spiritual Ceremony. Create your own ceremony to symbolize what you want in your life. Use aromatherapy as part of this: lavendar, rose, patchouli, sage, etc. Candles, colors and prayer. Vision board. Taking action to support your desire.
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10. Creative pursuits. Writing, art, dance, crafts, building. Body work, massage, healing arts, energy healing. Psychic Art (draw chakras, aura, energy bodies).
11. Nature. Watch a sunset. Smile at a baby or pet. Walk at the beach or in a forest. Garden or tend to plants.
12. Sound. Listen to uplifting music. Sing. Tone. Chant.
13. Create your own list of joyful things to do.