Two recent events I attribute to raising my vibration include gaining success trading Forex securities and sleeping better from Vegan diet. Details below.
LIFE ABUNDANCE: Continuing to Raise Vibration.

GETTING AN “A” DEMO TRADING FOREX. I have been experimenting trading Forex markets. So far I am getting an A. I spent about 10 years losing money trying to trade. I decided to try again doing some virtual trading due to a synchronicity which made me feel I was being led.
Must have been b/c finally I have been able to put to successful use the 10 years I spent learning how to do this but was never able to do. It feels really, really satisfying to do something successfully that you knew you could do but for some reason were sabotaging over and over like groundhog day!
LIFE ABUNDANCE: Continuing to Raise Vibration.
An unexpected benefit of going Vegan is sleeping better at night. I do still have withdrawal from mainstream eating. But when I see a benefit like this, I really want to stay vegan.
During the day I have more energy. I feel lighter. I no longer carry around a weighted exhaustion.
And of course, my face looks rested, which is a wonderful thing.
Maybe it is the lighter foods?
Have a great day all!
LIFE ABUNDANCE: Continuing to Raise Vibration.