We create our future from our vibration. Do you want to be left to the fallows of failure just because you did not take the trouble to raise your vibration?
Excerpt: We create our future from our vibration. Do you want to be left to the fallows of failure just because you did not take the trouble to raise your vibration?
This morning I awoke feeling a little moody. I was focusing on pain from the past and irreconcilable loss, misfortune, fear and whatever else my little tangential mind felt like fixing.

In my line of work it is important to be extremely vigilant in keeping a higher mind present. I am constantly blending my energy with that of others for a crystal clear reading.
Why do individuals seek me out? They need their vibration raised. The only way to do this is to be extremely vigilant with my own vibration.
The other day I met a gorgeous woman. She had so much for which to be grateful. For one, she looked 25 years old, but actually was 55! This was without plastic surgery, whilst carrying around a negativity and sadness only the most virulent of constitutions could resist.
I felt there was nothing a psychic could say to help. At times we seek a psychic reading, when really what we need is to have our vibration raised.
Many times you will hear me offer you positive advice, reminding you that it is your choice which will bring results.
We create our future from our vibration. Do you want to be left to the fallows of failure just because you did not take the trouble to raise your vibration?
As my negative mind puffed about powerlessly this morning, I realized it was my time to “Raise My Vibration.” I fled to my nightstand. There sat the brilliant book, “The Four Agreements,” by Ruiz, gathering dust (of course!).

I decided I would be a little playful (already a symptom my vibration was rising). I flipped the book open to see what treat it had for my maniacal mind.
Do you ever get like that? Your ego is fearful, working over-time to fix something it imagines is out to get you.
The first sentence I found said, “The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human; it is the tool of magic.”
“Hmmmn,” I thought, “Magic. I like magic.” This was in the chapter about being impeccable with your word.
Words are things. If you are talking trash, guess what? You’ll be receiving trash.
And guess — guess what else? Your tangential mind likes to find TRASH to fix. Yes, it is always seeking something fowl to fix to justify its existence.
Then I went to “youtube” to find a good meditation. I craved my vibration rise further, like a vampire seeking energy. There I found the most wonderful meditation I had in a few weeks’ time, “Indigo, With Hemisynch Part 1.”
It included sacred a geometry mandala and a lotus flower. It launched my heart higher, up into the stratospheres.
No need to be a victim of ignorance, negativity or even circumstances. Vow today to raise your vibration with deliberate choices. Then go about your business with a happier sense of self.
You know the rest. If you are happy, you will attract happiness.
Blessings to all.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Psychic Manifesting: Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.