Steps to Read the Future Channeled From Spirit
Entire document located at: http://www.abundancepsychic.com/read-the-future
- Image via Wikipedia

Start with L-O-V-E formula:
1. Let go in meditation. Go to this link to find ways to go to theta trance easily.
a. http://abundancepsychic.com/theta-trance
2. Open in prayer.
1. “Father, mother, god, all spirits of highest light and love, come to me now for reading for ‘name.’ Allow me to accurately see all past, present and future messages from the highest light and love source possible for highest good and benefit of all. Please remove any and all blocks from me and allow me to believe in these messages as possible. Amen. “
3. Vibrationally align with your subject by seeing energy fields combine.
4. Entirely receive.
Get the question from your subject in a yes or no format.
Visualize the lake as calm and peaceful including under the lake since information could be there as well.
1. If it does not change this is a yes answer.
2. If it changes it is a no answer. Pay attention to how it changes. If it seems turbulent, darker or somehow ominous, this is not a good outcome. More advanced readers will be able to then interpret the changes in the lake to get more details about the future.
Am I going to get a new job ever? In three months? (Can substitute new job for an amount of money, an inheritance, new love, continuation of a love relationship, etc. Can change the timeline as well.)
Visualize the lake. Remember to see under the water too.
Does it change?
No. Answer is yes. The lake is in agreement with the question. It stays the same as it was before.
Yes. Answer is no. Observe how the lake changes. There will be details in it for you.