HOW CAN I GET RID OF UNDER EYE BAGS. Diet, lymph massage and specific cosmetic approaches have made a difference for me.
HOW CAN I GET RID OF UNDER EYE BAGS: Holistic, Nutrition and Cosmetic Approach. This article will show you how to change your diet, do lymph massage and finally apply some specific cosmetic approaches which have made a difference for me.
MY STORY. Lately the bags under my eyes have gotten very pronounced indeed.
I remember watching my father as he got older develop puffy bags under his eyes, as did my older sister. They both loved animal rich diets, lots of protein.
I had suspicion that it was due to eating too much animal protein, but I had no proof.
Over the last few weeks I have been eating far more animal protein than usual. It was the holidays, and I had bought some turkey to cook for myself.
Then over the weeks I kept doing the same thing. Emphasizing animal protein in my diet, which I had before focused on fiber rich complex carbohydrates and vegetables.
The result was under eye bags and puffiness so bad I started to consider surgery to have them removed!
But I had hope that perhaps a holistic solution could be found, preferably based on nutrition, as I secretly believed it was the cause.
Two years ago I had eaten purely vegan, thinking it was in harmony with my humane values, would help me lose weight, would be healthier. As the weight peeled off, my face tightened.
What had been puffy before became youthful, tight and healthy looking.

I stopped this diet because my body craved animal protein. I think finding the happy medium between vegan and animal protein is key to living the healthiest, least toxic way possible.
This article on FIBER goes into the best diet I have found to lose weight, anti age and detoxify from much study. Go HERE.
Think about this. If you have under eye bags and puffiness, your body is toxic. You do not have to get under eye bags just because you got older. There are many people who are old, but who do not have under eye bags.
When you have them you are holding excess proteins in the lymph system, leading to disease.
To have them removed surgically, rather than seeking their toxic cause, would pretty much guarantee you remain toxic, leading perhaps to degenerative diseases.
When I got my health coach certification I was surprised to learn an oversized mid-section indicated your body was holding fat there to protect your organs from toxins!
Well this I believe is the exact same thing around your eyes. Under eye puffiness indicates you are protecting your eyes from toxins with fat and lymph fluids.
Better to find the cause and cure that, rather than remove the symptom for cosmetic reasons.
Surgery should be your last option after detox is complete.
As I did research for this condition I found out I was right.
PRIMARY NUTRITION CAUSE of UNDER EYE BAGS. The primary reason one gets under eye bags is because you are eating more protein than your kidneys can remove.
The excess protein, not being thoroughly eliminated through your kidneys, is backed into the lymph system. The puffiness under your eyes is literally backed up toxins in the lymph system that had not found their way out of your body.
FOCUS ON FIBER. Fiber usually comes in the form of vegetables. Eat 7 to 8 cups of green vegetables a day. Minimize animal protein to 3 to 6 ounces a day.
This will place you well on your way to getting rid of the bags.
Over the last few weeks I had been eating far more animal protein than usual. It was the holidays, and I had bought some Turkey to cook for myself.
Then over the weeks I kept doing the same thing. Emphasizing animal protein in my diet, which had before been focused on fiber and vegetables.
The result was under eye bags and puffiness so bad I started to consider surgery to have them removed! I had forgotten my earlier suspicions and simply wanted a solution!
DRINK MORE WATER. You’ve heard it before, drinking water is so important for your system in so many ways.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day. This will help the kidneys get rid of the toxins.
EXERCISE. Rebounding in particular is great for the lymph system. Rebounding is jumping on a mini trampoline.
ESSENTIAL OILS. Citrus essential oils like Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit will go a long way to help with stimulating lymph glands. Stimulating Oils like Peppermint, ginger, and rosemary will help with circulation and drainage. Always dilute your oil with a carrier oil and rub on lymph glands around face.
After doing much research I have found Plant Therapy oils to be best quality for price.
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LYMPH MASSAGE. This video will help you understand how to gently massage the lymph glands around the face and eyes for local drainage.
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Here’s another one.
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COSMETIC. I like to make my own under eye cream. I usually blend a Retinol Serum with a Hemorrhoid cream (primary ingredient needs to be Glycerol Stearate, not Petrolatum), and a little bit of a gentle astringent such as organic Apple Cider Vinegar for a tightening effect. Here is the Retinol Serum I use.
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Here is one that has good reviews on Amazon. I checked the reviews on and their reviewers are good quality (not fake).
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VIDEOS I found helpful on for help with this.
Dr. Berger.
Lymph Massage.
Spirit Medium Laura.
Book your medical intuitive mediumship and certified health coaching appointment with Laura HERE.