Seance Sizzle: Dinner & A Seance

Séances are enlivening! Although that might seem like a contradiction, experiencing the liveliness of the souls who have left earth makes us on earth feel very much alive! Not because we are physically alive, but because their presence is so real, visceral and prescient.

“I feel the presence of a woman who died of cancer.  This woman received chemo therapy and lost most of her hair during her illness.  She says she is a mother to someone in the room.”

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I, as the medium, was jolted back and forth viscerally travelling through this woman’s nausea, energy and strength. 

“Can anyone take this?”  I looked around the room, holding my own against this strong woman’s energy. 

Everyone in the room looked back at me with wide eyes as if they were beautiful deer standing in the way of an oncoming truck!  No one said a thing.

“She says she worked in a stressful position with a lot of different people every day.  Her life was very fast paced.  The illness she had was in the liver and spleen area.  She went very quickly after she was diagnosed.” 

I was not going to accept “no takers,” because I knew what I had with me was real and was not going to go away unacknowledged!  Finally, one attendee said that was her mother. 

As we continued, the daughter in the room, revealed that she had asked her mother to come in that evening.  Her mother further validated her presence by reporting she knew her daughter was about to buy something large and brown for the living room. 

I saw this object, yet to be purchased, on the right side of the living room, seeing its shape forming.  Before I could say anything more, her daughter validated she wanted to buy a large “gong” for her home. 

Other spirits came in with equal drama and force.  However, not all were as clear or transparent. 

One brother came into the séance.  He had died as a young adult.  The clarity of his messages went from very clear to not at all.  At one point the sister, in the room, began to negate new details being delivered.


A painting of the three Brontë sisters; from l...
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I, as the medium delivering this brother to the room, had to go back to the last validated facts he had sent through me.  After I retraced, everything went well. 


I saw a young boy around the sister and heard “ten years.”  I asked the sister if “10 years” meant anything to her.  Later she revealed she had begun raising her brother’s son around the age of ten.   

Her brother had taken responsibility for his passing, saying he was sorry.  As well, he apologized to the sister in the room for not communicating kindly or lovingly towards her when he was alive.   His sister received these messages well. 

Séances are enlivening!  Although that might seem like a contradiction, experiencing the liveliness of the souls who have left earth makes us on earth feel very much alive!  Not because we are physically alive, but because their presence is so real, visceral and prescient. 

Each sitting circle, otherwise known as a séance, is a mysterious miracle to be thoroughly enjoyed and totally relished.


NOTE:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings,  mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching.    She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or


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