How to Know Your Worth. Your self esteem can be buoyed by reminding yourself of how important your presence is to the entirety of the universe.
SELF ESTEEM: How to Know Your Worth. You count more than you realize.
Here is a beautiful poem that a friend of mine, Jim Keenan, Poet With a Point, wrote. What I love about this poem is its subtle underlying message of your impact on others.
You Will Never Know
by Jim Keenan, Poet With A Point
In this life’s ongoing flow
people come and people go.
And in this life you’ll never know
the impact that you’ve made.
Inside what was a hardened heart
you may have played a healing part,
or given hope for a new start
to a soul that was dismayed.
So kinder be than is deserved.
There might even be a gift reserved
in another life for your spoken word,
or a tenderness displayed.

Channeled Message from The Ones about SELF ESTEEM: How to Know Your Worth
You will never know the impact you have made. This is why it is extremely important to first realize
- YOU COUNT! Yes, each day you are affecting the energy of the planet, those around you and your self. You can choose to be an uplifting vibration or a downshifting one. Which do you choose?
- YOU INFLUENCE. When you see others and interact be a positive force. If they have a quality you admire, tell them so. If they make you feel good, tell them so. You have influence on others.
- YOU REFLECT. You are so important to the entirety of the all that you are a mirror of it. Each day when you awaken, remind yourself that what you think, how you feel and act will impact the lives of others. Even the smallest insect can experience your presence as callous and cruel or merciful and conscious.
We all count. As these words sink into your head, your consciousness, you can begin to appreciate your worth at a different level, a deeper standard.
We as human beings, each of us, has enormous power to affect the lives of others. This reminds us of how important we are.
The next time you feel you are not important, that you do not count, that your self esteem has fallen away, remind yourself of the poem, “You Will Never Know,” to WAKE UP!
Not only is your presence exquisitely important to the whole, the entirety of the planet, but it is extremely important to the lives of others.
The Ones Channeling through Spirit Medium Laura.
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