WAYS TO IMPROVE SELF CONFIDENCE AND SELF ESTEEM. When we realize we are worthy because we are life itself, our lives change.
Channeled “WAYS TO IMPROVE SELF CONFIDENCE AND SELF ESTEEM” through Spirit Medium Laura.
One of the most valuable assets you can have is your self confidence and self esteem. I truly believe this is the foundation for The JOY Secret to ABUNDANCE, everything you can attain in your life.
Without knowing your worth, your value as a human being, you will constantly create a life that reflects this view of yourself. This is called the Spiritual Law of Karma.
We are what we believe to be true. We create what we believe to be true.
So if you are believing you are stupid, ugly, undesirable, worthless, guess what? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOUR OUTER WORLD WILL REFLECT.
Take a look around your life now. What do you see?
1. HOME. Do you like where you live? Is it attractive, clean, organized and something you are proud of or do you tend to not want to bring people home because your surroundings are not attractive?
2. TRANSPORTATION. If you own a vehicle is it in good or bad shape? Is this a car you are happy to be seen driving or are you ashamed of what you drive?
3. BODY. What kind of shape is your body? Is it a frame you are happy to be seen in or are you unhappy with your body image?
In certain ways we cannot change the body we are born to wear throughout life, however, your attitude towards your body will create the experiences you have in it.
For example. Let’s say you are aging. You once were a beauty queen, but now as you approach old age, which technically begins at 65 years old, how do you feel about your looks?
Are you proud of the body you are wearing? Or are you ashamed that it has gotten old?
This is a big one to look at because you can only do so much to avoid changes in your body. Aging is a beautiful part of life.
You are better served by appreciating the aging in your body, seeing it as something special, poetic perhaps showing the cloak of wisdom, discernment and knowledge, rather than that of undesirable sagging skin.
4. HEALTH. Each of us has only one body. How healthy is yours? If you have a disease again it is not something to feel bad about. You did not create the illness because you are not worthy.
You created the illness on a soul level for growth. There is much growth associated on the soul level with taking on illness either to learn to pass to spirit with grace and belief or to cure it with belief.
Illness is an opportunity for growth. It can improve our confidence, love of self and self esteem if we embrace it this way.
5. LOVE. Have you experienced situations in your life where you were rejected by a loved one, a parent, a romantic love, or even a child?
This kind of situation can devastate us, but again all depends on how we view it. Discordant love relationships are opportunities to learn how to create a connection to higher source, to God.
When we are connected to our soul, which connects us to God, we learn how to view our self as an extension of the divine, regardless of what another soul on earth thinks or feels about us.
Loss in love can provide for us another chance to improve our sense of self esteem, rather than challenge it, if we use this loss for that.
AN EMERGING PATTERN. As I channel this article I begin to see a pattern. Do you?
The pattern is as we have loss, when we feel less than, it is our time for meditation, connection, prayer to develop a sense of a higher power, a deity of which we are a part.
This connection to LOVE the essential essence of the all there is, can improve our self confidence, our self esteem.

Let’s do a simple exercise for developing our self confidence and self esteem.
1. MEDITATION. Take a 10 to 30 minute meditation In a quiet place. As you meditate use the mantra, SOUL LOVE. Say it quietly to yourself as your point of focus as you meditate into peaceful state.
2. JOURNAL. Now take out a journal. Write down all the reasons you feel you lack self confidence and self esteem. Really pour your heart out.
3. JOURNAL. Now write down why you believe you are worthy of self confidence and self esteem. This reason could be as simple as “I am a part of the all that is, I am a part of LOVE, GOD, higher consciousness. I breathe, therefore, I am deserving. I have consciousness, I am aware, I feel, therefore I am deserving.”
4. JOURNAL. Now write down what it is you want more than anything else in the world this day. What can you do that would be an expression of self worth, self value, self love, self confidence and self esteem for yourself?
5. DO IT! Now make a plan to do this thing this day. Each day if you continue this practice you will find your confidence will grow and blossom until you begin to see changes in your external world.
Our world changes when we change.
Love and blessings to you,
The Ones Channeled Through Spirit Medium Laura