SELF ESTEEM and WOMEN. After doing three readings for women in a row about SELF ESTEEM, I had an epiphany. All my Soul Purpose MAGIC work is about self esteem and SELF ESTEEM is most important for WOMEN.
Why? Because women are especially trained to be co-dependent in our society so they can be awarded the coveted role of cherished girlfriend, wife and/or mother. Codependent symptoms include powerlessness, passiveness, low self-esteem, voicelessness, other centeredness, low entitlement, and depression.
Here is a quote from Mark Smith, Therapist, on his wonderful website, http://www.familytreecounseling.com/fullarticle.php?aID=278.
“In our culture women are especially trained to be codependent. They are to give, support, serve, organize, take care of, worry about, facilitate and otherwise enable the rest of us.
Codependents are taught to take care of others. They are taught that SELF is a dirty word. Many of them only used to have fun hobbies. They drive themselves into the ground in an effort to please everyone. Many of them have been beyond exhausted for decades.”
If you are holding back on your magnificence (fun hobbies, “to play, to laugh out loud, to celebrate and to dance a victory dance,” as Mark Smith puts it) it will be very hard to have a loving relationship with yourself, and thus ANYONE else.
The more I relax into my “soul print” what I came to earth to do and brings me the most joy, the happier I am, the less I care what others think of me, especially if men will like me, the more I attract others and the “richer” my life becomes. I walk with a spring in my step.
If you want to be happier, be less worried if “he” will call you back, ask you out, or get you that wonderful gift you hope for, you need to awaken YOUR Soul Purpose MAGIC. Details Here: https://www.spiritmediumlaura.com/soul-purpose-magic-passion-to-prosperity-program-overview
Much love and have a magnificent Cinco De Mayo!