SOUL PURPOSE MANIFESTATION: Your True Calling Is Your Magic. Align with your soul’s plan for this life time to activate your magic.

Today I was reading for a new client. He wanted to know how to find love.
But spirit had another message for him at the beginning of his reading. It was about his soul purpose.
Without aligning with his purpose he would find it difficult to find the right partner. As the reading proceeded this became more evident.
One of the women he just broke off from was a “pleaser” personality. She was all about trying to please him to make him happy. (It is not wrong to want to please someone, but when done to excess it can indicate a lack of self worth.)
The other woman he knew was a “meeser” personality. Everything was about her. She wanted, needed and created attention. (It is not wrong to want attention from others, but when done to excess it can indicate a lack of self worth.)

Both women were opposites of each other externally, but inside they were really alike. They both did not know or have their self worth, which comes from knowing and living your soul purpose.
Spirit wanted him to know his soul’s mission, which would allow him to find his power. Until aligned with his soul purpose fully he would be attracting women who who did not have their own power.

Like attracts like, the Spiritual Law of Vibration.
How do you find your power, your soul purpose or soul path so you can powerfully attract and manifest ideal people, places and things almost at will?
The answer is simple.
Find your biggest life problem. Hidden within the solution to your problem is your power, passion and then prosperity!
MEDITATION is KEY. When you Meditate you heighten your self awareness. It is like you take the lid off your head and connect to larger realms, perspectives and consciousness. Here is a FREE Clairvoyant Meditation Class designed to help you do this.
FREE! Clairvoyant Meditation Free Open House (Live). Attend FREE Clairvoyant Meditation Class for laymen and professionals to heighten your self awareness.
Knowing your soul purpose is not only integral to finding your true love in life, but as well has much to do with making money. It is your magic.
Click HERE to find your “True Calling” to attract love, money and other desired things at will.

PERSONAL READING. Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at
Spirit Medium Laura
RESOURCES to Discover Your Soul Purpose
**FREE Event Explore Your Pre-Birth Plan

**FREE! Clairvoyant Meditation Free Open House (Live). Attend FREE Clairvoyant Meditation Class for laymen and professionals to heighten your self awareness.
**Click HERE to find your “True Calling” to attract love, money and other desired things at will.