SYNCHRONICITY: Move From Limited to Limitless, Channeled

Synchronicity. Learn how to move from limited to limitless by aligning with your Soul Abundance, your higher power. Let Go, Open.

SYNCHRONICITY:  Move From Limited to Limitless, Channeled

This is a channeled piece through Spirit Medium Laura from your Spiritual Guides as Universal Mind.  The purpose of the piece is to help you evolve from limited to limitless.  

The soul source of evolution in your dimension is the being of higher power, God, whatever you would call your deity.  This deity is the supreme intelligence, there to lead and guide you.

Synchronicity starts when you Let Go of Worry. Open to what you want.

When you learn how to tap into this omniscient presence you are led with synchronicity and other forms of guidance from your higher power, your soul.

We call this Soul Abundance. When we say your soul is abundant we mean it is open, lucid and leading.  It can get you to fulfill your purpose, your Dharma and live at a higher frequency of elevated vibration.

Those on earth might call this LUCK.  We call it expansion, living at a higher level of functionality.

When you live in the flow of miracles you are living with your higher power or your Soul Abundance.

This magnificent energy can lead you to the greatest fulfillment as a human being you would ever want or dream about.  When you relax into your true self, your authenticity you will begin to “see” what you did not see before.

Your intuition heightens, your synchronicity increases.  You begin to live in more joy, freedom, passion and self expression.

It all starts with opening to your true self, your real feelings, however, it is difficult to open to these feelings if you are caught in the astral energy of pain, loss and deception that the universe is flat.

The universe is not flat.  The universe is multi-dimensional.  This means that when you think of something you are projecting it into the greater ether of the creative process.

You are a co-creator with higher mind, higher intelligence and your soul.

So when you live on Astral plane you might feel that you are limited, daunted by deficiencies you feel are beyond your control and certainly limiting your happiness.

This is the abstract gone viral, for you are not limited.  You are limitless.

We as Spiritual Teachers from a higher dimension are here to help you realize this magnificence in you.

The first step is to recognize that what you think is real, the limitations of your life, is really just an index to what you really want, like the Table of Contents in a book.

When you read this Table of Contents you can see what you want.  The secret to getting what you want is knowing what you want.  Once you know, creation becomes easy, real and viable.

The beginning to expansion is to see reality as limitless and yourself as creative.  Ask not what the universe can do for you, but rather what you can do for the universe.

This begins the process of evolving from self abnegation to self realization.

Stop fretting!

Start Opening to what you really really want.

This is the Secret to begin the co-creative process.

Some might call this Letting Go.  As in the Buddhist traditions of spiritual alchemy learning how to let go of worry, trying to control your world, you move from fear to love of your life exactly as it is.

Then the spiritual powers that be, come in to help you, to show you the way.  This begins the co-creative process of you, the universe and us, the universal mind.

We work with you on your evolution.  We open the door to more LOVE in your existence.

We help you evolve from limitations to limitless.


We are your Spiritual Guides coming through Universal Mind.