Your Power Is Your Soul

Channeled from the Alpha Omega light beings from the Pleiadians 9/5/10

Your soul is the only thing you take with you from the spirit world to assist you on your journey on earth. It is your power. It is the thing most important to you, of highest value and of highest use. It can and will assist you in all of life’s foibles, for your soul is powerful.

May people forget about their soul when they are on earth. Think of it like your beacon of light to guide you in the dark forest, for on earth, you truly are disconnected from source.

It is the space and the place, the dimension, spirit has created so you can be separate to find your way again.

Yes, find your way again; your way back to source. The earth is this dimension but there are other places like earth where one can incarnate and experience separation so one can find one’s self again.

If you are not finding your source while on earth you might take to drugs, addictions and other past times to fill the void and to create the illusion you have something.


That is your path, your light and your beacon.

When you are feeling alone what you need to do to find your soul, your peace and your joy, is to ask for it. Simply get quiet and pray. When you pray you will find a light forming around you of spiritual resources.

Prayer is very effective to bring in the light, the beacon, again. It connects you to your soul and the higher realms where there are resources waiting to assist you .

Never, never feel alone. You are NOT alone.

You are always being guided and helped by your spiritual resources.

Some might call us angels or guides, but we do not see ourselves as this. We see ourselves as light helpers. We do not have labels or terms to distinguish one of us from the others, for we are all connected and the same in this respect.

We help, guide and lead you. We have powers you can only dream about on earth or in an incarnation in some other dimension other than the spiritual realm. We are your light and your love.

When you feel alone call upon us for guidance. We will be there in an instant and will help you.

You do not need to believe this for it to work. It always works even if you are upset.

This is something those on earth do not understand. You do not have to be calm to call upon us. Wouldn’t that be self defeating to wait to feel well to have us help you?

We are there to help you when you are upset and when you are happy. We are always there to help.

God bless.

Note: Laura is a channeler of the Alpha Omega Light Beings of the Pleidians. She can help you in your 2012 Ascension transition, finding your power and life purpose, by accessing their wisdom for you. Please call Laura at 954 465 7338 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              954 465 7338      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email her at for your private session. As well, Laura provides spiritual, intuitive and psychic coaching.