Spirit communications can bring in children who have transitioned to spirit. Such communication can be very clear, very healing and very amazing.
Today I did some work for the Voices Across the Veil research project. Two sitters were there.
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As I worked through a connection for them I discovered both women had lost a child. One lost a son. The other a daughter.

The main take away from this is how clear the communications with their beloved children in spirit were. Each child brought in such a clear connection with so much evidence.
The first, the son, explained how his passing had been sudden, unexpected and it was recent. He then showed me a necklace his mother wored around her neck, a pendant with Jesus on it.
She cried as I did as we continued.
I began to receive for both sitters before we actually started as there was a delay. When I went to the other woman I saw a mother, a father and then a young male about 14 to 15 years old.
I thought this was a son because the hair was very short, like a crew cut growing back. But the sitter told me it was her daughter.
The evidence from her daughter revealed an illness, cancer. She had died young as a victim of cancer.
Again much evidence came in particularly the altar near a fireplace. Her daughter in spirit kept telling me there was a chalice in her bedroom near the fireplace.
Later we found out the mother, the sitter, had a sacred space for her daughter near an areas in her bedroom where there had been a fireplace.
Perfect confirmation.
Finally, at the end of our time together I expressed my sensitivity to their loss.
The first woman who had lost her son said she has been in and out of mental institutions due to her inability to cope with the loss of her son. He was only 18 years old when he passed, suddenly from a heart defect, at home, in his room.
Gosh, all I could say was, “I feel for you.”
I recommended she seek EMDR therapy. This is a way to release trauma if you have Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which she has from this.
Here is a self help tool to use EMDR in your own life.
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I hope she takes it.
The other sitter offered her phone number to talk to this mother to support her and help. Her thinking was one should not be alone after a loss.
Support from others is helpful and needed.
I agree with this.
So the takeaway from all of this is if you have had a traumatic, sudden lost of a child or a loved one, seek support from others. Don’t be alone.
If you can have EMDR therapy seek it. This is a proven way to release trauma from the subconscious under the guidance of a licensed professional.
My condolences to all who have had a traumatic loss.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book with Laura at BookLaura.com
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