A person from India wrote to me asking questions about the spirit world and spirit channeling. The answers are revealed in this article.
SPIRIT CHANNELING: Clairvoyant Medium Channeled Answers About the Spirit World
SUMMARY: Got an email from someone in India with these questions about the spirit world, its reality and how spirit communicates with us.
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Very interesting questions indeed. Perhaps these channeled answers from my guides might provide good answers.
Your questions will be followed by channeled answers.
(1) What separates the spirit world from our physical world? Dr. Shafica Karagulla has in her book mentioned an energy curtain,traveling through which is quite troublesome for the spirit.
Channeled Answer: The answer lies in your head not your heart. What we mean by this is that the spiritual world is not away from you nor separate it can be reached through detailed and highly suspicious (critical, self investigating) exercises which train the mind to see what it did not see before.
The mind can see what is in front of it that is real. The answer is seeing this takes training. There is no separation. There is the seeing, which takes highly critical training to see.
(2) How does one communicate with one’s relatives in the spirit world ,without falling asleep. It’s commonly told to us that we do communicate with them while we dream.It’s never satisfactory and can be confusing in so far as the content and the message conveyed. We, while dreaming, can never control our speech and behavior consciously. Hence this question.
Channeled Answer: This answer lies in the heart not the head as the other answer lies in the head not the heart. What we mean by this is that seeing is an emotional subjective thing when we communicate with spirit. The core of this is to learn how to feel when you see allowing the inner mind to see and seeing that as real.
There is no force of this. There is only a letting go to see.
The seeing is in the heart not the head. When one learns how to let go of expectations and falls into a conscious sleep, a daydream so to speak, ones heart is leading the dialogue. It is only in this less critical analytical mind can one truly hear and see us.
This does not mean we are not real. It only means we can be seen if you see our reality as real. Our reality is different than yours and is not opaque or hard. It is subjective reality. Can you see the subjective reality around you? We can.
When you can see the subjective reality, the inner mind world, you can then see us. Namaste,
(3) How does a spirit medium communicate with the spirit while in a wakeful state?
Channeled Answer: The medium is not in a wakeful state when s/he communicates with spirit. S/he is in a wakeful state of mind, but not body. The body falls asleep during spiritual communications or goes into an autopilot mode. Then we come in and create the reality to see and hear our words.
Some mediums fall even deeper asleep and allow us to occupy their bodies to do spirit trance communications. This is a sleeping state.
So you see we are working with a medium who is in a wakeful sleeping state to various degrees.
The medium is awake only in a sense of being somewhat conscious but not fully wakeful.
(4) I had read elsewhere that there are therapists in the spirit world for troubled and traumatized souls.Is it true? How do they treat them,since all injuries are in the spirit body?
Channeled Answer: There are therapists indeed in the spirit world who come to those on earth to help. Help can only be gotten if it is asked for. We do not interfere in a soul having a physical experience unless their consciousness asks for help.
Even then the help might take years and years of work and then might still fail.
It is not easy to help someone from spirit world to one on earth. Those that believe in us and our ability to help get more because as we said earlier the mind must see to get help.
The spirit body is not a real thing. As we said earlier there is no separation from the spirit world and you except perception.
You see us as separate and then you get no help. You see us as real and then you get help.
The spirit world is as real as your world. You will know it when you see it. Each soul is usually very surprised to see the spirit world when they get here.
They were expecting a world perhaps less real.
We are real and not separate. There is no separation as you might have been told or taught elsewhere.
(5) Despite immortality of the soul being an embedded idea in India,we don’t have spirit mediums or psychics here.I see many in the western world.Is there any specific reason?
Channeled Answer: We see all things as equal from spirit plane. You have psychics and mediums in your world but you do not label them as different. Each person has their way of seeing and knowing spirit.
There is no separation from those that see and those that do not see in India whereas in western world people see themselves as separate and different if they know spirit.
India accepts knowing spiritual truth and seeing spirit in a sense as normal, not different so you do not label as such.
(6) What part of the brain is different in a spirit medium and psychic compared with a normal person?
Channeled Answer: There is no difference in reality but on the physical plane which is a reality there is a difference. We mean that in the physical brain those that more readily have extra normal communication with spirit world have a more connected hemisphere and coordination between the left and right hemispheres.
This is the big difference from a physical perspective.
From a spiritual perspective there is no difference in the light energy of the brain. It exists somewhere around the frontal lobe and is there for anyone with any brain structure to coordinate and use.
Seeing spirit is available to all on earth if they choose to develop themselves thus. Namaste
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