How to Trigger Lucid Dreams for Spirit Communications. Lucid dreaming is a way to enter the astral plane to speak to your loved ones.

What Are Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreams feel like you are awake while still dreaming. They are very vivid, catch your attention and are hard to forget.
Lucid dreaming gives you access to the astral plane where you can visit and see your loved ones.
I have had many lucid dreams but did not know what they were called until recently. Suddenly while in a deep sleep, I would feel like I woke up, but before me was something I could only see while in an altered state.
This altered state allowed me to perceive the reality of the astral plane where psychic communication occurs and other side communications happen.
Then as soon as the lucid dream ended, I would be back in the day to day reality, amazed, in shock and profoundly affected.

Stories About Lucid Dreams
All of the lucid dreams I have had are telepathic. A good example of this is the time I dreamed my ex husband was communicating with me intensely, even though I was not physically with him.
When I woke up the next morning I learned that indeed he had been dreaming about me, having the same conversation. Strange, but true?
Here is another strange one. I dreamed about a plane crash in New York. The next morning the TV was blasting a story about a World Airways plane that avoided a crash as they slipped off the runway during take off.
Another time I dreamed about a co-worker giving birth to a baby boy even though she was only seven months pregnant. The next morning I learned she had had an early delivery that night and indeed it was a boy.
I started to feel very special about my psychic ability, however, later that day I learned our Office Manager had the same revealing dream. Apparently being able to dream in a psychic state is more universal than you might have thought.
Considering this, you are probably able to do lucid dreaming too. I will show you how later in this article.

Lucid Dreams for Spirit Communications
The most amazing lucid dreams I ever had were connected to my mother around the time of her passing. As well, I had one lucid dream with my cat the day after she passed.
A Story About My Mother
My mother was in hospice for about six months. One night I woke up with her standing in my bedroom a few feet away telling me she loved me. She was dressed in her day clothes all sweet and adorable.
This was three days before she deceased. In hindsight I realize now it was like she was saying goodby before her departure.
During the night of the day she deceased I awoke from a dream with my mother flying next to me like a white cloud of energy. She exclaimed to me with great glee and excitement, “Laura IT [being dead] is nothing like you think it is!”
Then she flew off into the distance. I knew she meant being physically released from her body was freeing, fun and exciting to her.
A Story About My Deceased Cat

About four years ago my beloved cat Sabrina suddenly had a embolism to her heart, which resulted in her departure to spirit. I was devastated as it happened so unexpectedly.
The next morning I was suddenly awakened from my sleep. There on the floor next to my bed was Sabrina healthy, in her body, meowing loudly at me “Wake up!” As soon as I did she disappeared.
I knew then she was safe and lived on.
How Do You Trigger Lucid Dreams
The simplest way to trigger lucid dreaming is by setting an intention before going to bed. This can be augmented or by taking a supplement such as galantamine or mugwort, which can be found in pill form or as a tea.
Steps to Do Lucid Dreaming
1. Set Your Intention before going to sleep in a Lucid Dream Journal.
A dream journal is a great way to set your intention before going into a dream. Then after the experience you should record your dream to track your results. Both steps are critical to align your subconscious mind with your conscious mind so desired outcomes can occur.
Make sure that you have a dedicated notebook or journal where you can write down what happens in your dreams. Although any dedicated book with do, here is a dream journal you can dedicate for lucid dreaming to talk to your loved ones in spirit.
2. Record your dreams
Once you have started the practice of setting intention to have a lucid dream to connect with your loved ones in spirit, you must record what you remember of your dreams within five minutes of awakening. This will help you remember them better over time.
You can do that with your Lucid Dream Journal as mentioned above.
3. Pills for Lucid Dreaming.
Yes, there are pills to help promote lucid dreams. They work!
The active ingredient in many over-the-counter sleep aids, galantamine has been used for centuries to treat conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Recently, researchers have discovered that this drug can be used to induce lucid dreaming.
Here is where to get Galantamine.
Mugwort has been used for centuries to induce lucid dreaming. Mugwort contains a high concentration of L-tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with sleep and dreams.
In addition, mugwort contains other tryptamines including 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT), N,N-diethyltryptamine (N,N-DET) and N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (N-DiPT). These compounds are known to stimulate the pineal gland, which produces melatonin.
Melatonin is often referred to as the “hormone of darkness” due to its production at night. This hormone is responsible for regulating our circadian rhythms and promoting restful sleep.
Here is a link to Mugwort.
Lucid Dreaming Complex. Valerian root, mugwort, huperzine-A, choline bitartrate, Alpha GPC
There is a pill specifically developed to help induce Lucid Dreaming by Dream Leaf. Here is a link to it.
4. Lucid Dreaming Course
There is a course by Robert Waggoner a lucid dreaming expert which you can access to help you induce the lucid dream state to connect with your deceased loved ones in spirit.
Here is a link to Lucid Dreaming for Beginners by Robert Waggoner.
5. Brain Wave State for Lucid Dreaming.
Alpha to Theta brain wave state is ideal for lucid dreaming. Any meditation that can place you in this brain wave state would help. Here is a specific meditation induction technique from Hemi-sync designed to help induce lucid dreaming.
In conclusion I believe it is very possible for you to trigger lucid dreaming to talk to your loved ones in spirit. Sending you deep light and love,
Spirit Medium Laura
PS. If you would like to speak to spirit through Laura go to to set your appointment.