Validating Spirit Communication Stories. When loss is in the air it can be helpful to hear validating stories of other side communications.
The OTHER SIDE Is REAL! Validating Spirit Communication Stories.
Have you lost someone recently? Are you afraid to lose someone? Are you afraid of death? At times validating spirit communication stories can be of comfort if you are in this situation.
The last few days have gone from the devastating to divine for me. My sister had to put her gorgeous, beloved dog down suddenly. This dog represented all the love she never got growing up.
She worshiped this dog.
At the same time, my beloved cat has been very ill. She is 17 years old. Each day when I wake up I wonder will this be the day to send her over the bridge to spirit.
The only thing I could say to console my sister was that I know THE OTHER SIDE IS REAL. I know this because of the sittings I have as a medium.
Yesterday I did Research Mediumship for Voices Across the Veil. The sittings were so specific, so on point for what was needed to be said, it blew me away.
Dr. Dennis Grega, of Voices Across the Veil said about this session, “Absolutely stunning!!! I just sat there in awe, absolute awe. What a sacred space I have the honor to be a part of.”
I am honored to be a part of this as well and I am the medium!
Why is validated communications from spirit so important? Well, think about it.
If a soul comes in from spirit, shows what he or she looked like, gives names, details about how s/he passed, their temperament, education level, career, relationship to the sitter and so on, this is great enough.
But when the soul in spirit gives specific communications the sitter is needing to hear, healing can occur.
The son of a sitter came in to say as paraphrased here, “I never told you I appreciate you before I passed. I was angry at you, and then I passed without saying good bye.” He had died suddenly of a heart attack (validated).
At these words the sitter began to cry and said, “that is exactly what I needed to hear.”
This type of communication happened for all the sitters involved yesterday. Each one got such specific validation of what s/he needed to hear it was spine tingling.
There was another one who wanted to know what to do about her mother who was clinging to life. Her maternal grandmother appeared from spirit to tell her she would be just fine and not to worry.
The grandmother said, “The whole family in spirit has been talking to her from the other side. She is not in pain and will transition when she is ready.”
The grandmother would not say when the transition would occur, but simply wanted to sooth her granddaughter not to worry. All was being attended to and occurring at the right time from spirit to help her mother transition.

There was another sitter who wanted to hear from her deceased brother in spirit who had committed suicide. Her mother had attended the month before and had heard from him, so the sister was in attendance yesterday to see if he would appear unprompted.
He did show up with all the evidence including the fact he had committed suicide.
The last sitter wanted to hear from her father to tell her that her new marriage would work out. All of that came through in her sitting.
Without her asking her father in spirit told her she would never have happen to her in the future what had happened in the past. He was blessing her future.
Apparently she had experienced some very difficult times in the past. She wanted and needed to hear this from him.
So the take away from all of this is not to worry if a loved one transitions. They will be protected, healed, loved and received on the other side.
They will be safe, intact and whole.
Of course, there will always be grieving, adjustment and healing for you and the soul. But understanding life continues can help in this process.
Spirit Medium Laura
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