How to start an online psychic business. Learn the steps I use to create my own successful online business that generates revenue. Choose your profitable niche, build your OWN website (2 included FREE!), learn how to get your site found on Google, create quality content that sells your services and products!
SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR: How to Start an Online Psychic Business
This article will explore how to start an online psychic business to create passive income for spiritual entrepreneurs and other light workers.
The first step is to choose your area of business focus, your passion. Then learning how to build a business based on this passion, selling your own or someone’s products.
Join mailing list on right to get FREE OFFER. ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR CERTIFICATION. 10 Lessons. Rated 9.5 out of 10.
Learn the steps I use to create my own successful online business that generates revenue. Choose your profitable niche, build your OWN website (2 included FREE!), learn how to get your site found on Google, create quality content that sells your services and products!
Passive income means you can travel more, get more clients and ensure more financial security. This can in turn free you up to start moving towards a higher professional level, towards getting known, fame or whatever your heart desires.
Last week I worked with a lovely client who wanted more personal freedom, expression and to make more money from a personally branded business in the human growth and potential industry (spiritual life coach).

SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR: How to Start an Online Psychic Business – The Basic Business Blueprint
Essentially this type of success will come from a spiritual entrepreneur business blueprint based on the acronym LOVE. Here are the steps:
- LEARN your soul’s plan for this life time. Your soul planned a huge systemic problem for you to overcome. This is your soul’s plan.
- OPEN the solution to that problem. It might take years but this is your purpose for this life time.
- VERBALIZE a solution to this problem or find another person’s product already done for you. Market the solution. Marketing can be online or off line. The online option gives you more leverage, freedom and passive income.
- ENGAGE in closing the sale, making money and living your purpose!
My client, like many of you, wanted to travel more, actualize her potential, overcome blocks to realizing what she came to earth to do, live at a higher vibration of fulfillment vs frustration.
I too wanted and want the same thing. What I have found is the best way to do this in the shortest time possible is to create a passive income spiritual entrepreneur business selling information products over the internet in my particular area of interest and passion.
I needed to find products or create my own.
MY SUCCESS. I have studied this subject for quite a while. At first very confused and overwhelmed even after studying Internet Marketing back in 2010, creating my own blog and thriving spiritual entrepreneur business.
Finally I began to see success. This is affording me more personal freedom to travel, take time off to rest and rejuvenate.
This in turn allows me to do better spirit work when I am in a one on one situation.
I AM VERY GRATEFUL and FILLED WITH BLISS NOW! Whereas, before I was burning out. More on that in the next article HERE.
Here are the steps I have learned.
- Decide what to sell.
- My own products. I have a number of products I have created myself in the area of mediumship training and business building. You can obtain FREE Offers on each subject by joining my mailing list at top right of this page.
- Other People’s Products (Affiliate Products). I have found affiliate products in line with my values, of high integrity and in the area of relevancy for which I do not have the time or desire to create on my own.
- Selling information products via the Internet not only can bring you clients, but as well creates a passive income stream, which over time can replace active income or run alongside it as a financial cushion. Spiritual Lightworkers NEED passive income so they do not BURN OUT, have secure income and more personal freedom!
- Some of the products I have found exist in the area of
- Manifesting.
- Weight loss
- Numerology, etc.
- Join my mailing list to receive a FREE Offer about each of these categories. You can join my mailing list at top right of this page.
SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR: How to Start an Online Psychic Business – Get Education
I have been searching and searching. I wanted to find an educational product of high integrity that would allow you to learn as succinctly and fast as possible, hitting the key points, scaling over the wasted effort so you to can start living at the higher vibration of personal fulfillment.
Finally I found it. I use the techniques taught in the offer below to create my own spiritual business online.
Join mailing list on right to get. Learn the steps I use to create my own successful online business that generates revenue. Choose your profitable niche, build your OWN website (2 included FREE!), learn how to get your site found on Google, create quality content that sells your services and products!
BOOK YOUR PRIVATE APPOINTMENT WITH LAURA TO LEARN YOUR PURPOSE and to take this purpose and commercialize it into a thriving business. Believe me there is nothing as gratifying, personally fulfilling and fun as having your own business based on your soul.