MEDIUMSHIP: The Suicide In Spirit
THE CIRCLE OF HAPPINESS. Ah, so sad when I have to bring in a suicide, today being no exception. The suicide asked that her friend (sitter) send her a prayer to be happy. Then she would send happiness back to her.

We concluded her session with a lot of sadness, but closure. Was an exceptional session.
One of the things I found most interesting was where the soul was in spirit. She was in a holding area, not yet healed from what it was that had led to this sort of transition. Her guides were helping her ruminate on what went wrong in her thinking while on earth.
She had transitioned before it was her time and will have to come back to do this all over again, perhaps in a different way. However, she was not being punished. She was just being “nourished.”
MEDIUMSHIP: The Suicide in Spirit
The soul spoke about leaving her mother and brother behind. How she had hurt them. How sorry she was. She described her bookish intellectual nature and how she lived in her head all the time.
The sitter could not confirm a bit of body dysmorphia I detected during the session. I kept getting the feeling that this soul in spirit did not like herself very much, and had a poor body image, even that she might have had bulimia and/or anorexia.
Perhaps the mother of the deceased will confirm this.
What can we learn from this? Well, the obvious. Happiness is something we create and can send to others. It is not something outside our self. It is something inside our self we create and then give to others.
MEDIUMSHIP: The Suicide in Spirit
Then in the end we create a “circle of happiness.”
Spirit Medium Laura
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