Synchronicity and messages from spirit. How spirit speaks to us, guides us and proves to us they are real. Your path is lit by spirit.
Spirit has mysterious ways of getting your attention and leading you. This is not any different with me as it might be with you.
It truly is a miraculous process. Here is my most recent, life changing story.
After my lovely fat cat Sabrina suddenly had a cardiac incident, and I lost her, my life began to change.
My other cat, Sassie began to show signs of illness suddenly. She would meow loudly as if in pain. I began to wonder if she had a fatal illness as well.
As my remaining pet screamed through the rooms of my home, all sorts of losses began to show up. (I did start her on a medication for Thyroid, which a vet told me she had.)

Here is a short list of the losses.
1. MONEY STOPPED. My business, usually thriving and active, quieted down to a still lake. This made me very nervous.
This quiet continued through Labor Day weekend. I was becoming more and more anxious.
2. LOVE LOSS. As I entered into this challenging situation, I decided to end a “going nowhere” relationship I had.
3. HEALTH POOR. I was exhausted all the time. I had a recurring upper respiratory infection that seemed to keep coming back no matter how many supplements or green food I consumed.
I had a lot of pain in my hips and knees. It was beginning to become difficult to even walk.
I began to think I might need a hip replacement, for try as I did over a year of experimenting with diet, supplements and physical therapy this issue kept getting worse.
4. CERTIFICATION BLOCKED. I was going through a very expensive holistic healing Certification which was not going well. The certification had morphed into a nightmare of new requirements made due to the growing pains of the originating organization.
5. HURRICANE IRMA. Just as I lost my beloved pet, my remaining cat seemed ill, my income halted, I ended a long term love relationship and was experiencing health challenges Hurricane Irma appeared on the horizon.
I gulped. Hurricane Irma, then a Category 5, was aiming straight at my town!
After watching the news about Hurricane Harvey and what it had done to Houston, I became seriously concerned. What was I going to do?
Would I be safe? Would my home be destroyed? Would my car go under water? Significant lifestyle losses were very possible.
At the same time I had planned a trip to Phoenix, AZ. Several SYNCRONICITIES occured, leading me there.
- A close friend suddenly moved there.
- Three people I did business with, including the Afterlife Data team, for whom I do mediumship research, were going to be there.
- A friend of a friend had moved there to study UFOs.
These coincidences seemed like they were leading me to Phoenix. So I went.
With the advent of the hurricane, I was not sure I could make the trip to the Afterlife Research Education Symposium in Scottsdale, AZ, for which I had already paid.
The hurricane came and went without major damage to my car or home, but did take its toll on my health and emotions. I had deep furrows on my face from the stress of it.
At the first day of the symposium, I sat in large lecture hall next to a stranger, with whom I began to chat. I mentioned a bit about my story of loss and change.
Then dramatizing my predicament, I stared at the ceiling of the auditorium and said out loud, almost mocking myself, “Dear God give me a sign as to why you led me here!”
We both laughed. Little did I know I would get an answer to that question in the next few moments.
The lecture began. There at the front of the auditorium was Susanne Wilson, a well known medium.
After she gave a fine lecture about how spirit communicates through mediums. She mentioned how mediumship can take a toll on the medium’s health.
I COULD RELATE TO THAT! My health was failing me. I was exhausted all the time, becoming impatient, intolerant and cranky.
Then she opened the message section of her presentation.
She asked if anyone in the audience could take the name, “Dolly.” She said there would be two people this would fit.
One she already knew was a student of hers, but there would be another person in the audience for which this would be relevant.
I sat in my seat dumbfounded, not believing the coincidence of this. I was the other person, having an Aunt Dolly through marriage into my family.
After she gave a number of messages to me which were all verified, she said that I had a lot of spirits on the other side that were saying, “Thank you.”
I knew exactly what she meant. The message was clear.
Spirit was acknowledging their gratitude for my work as a medium. It seemed I was being told I had completed a service.
Through the series of events that had transpired of late, I knew this was spirit’s way of saying now was time for a new beginning.
When she was through I sat down in my seat awe struck. I had received the guidance from God I had asked for right after I asked for it!
Rarely could I remember so fast and direct an answer from spirit!
Since then, I began new beginnings. I began to form new relationships, new ways to make money and a transition plan from my existing business to a new form or shape of it.
I now am focusing on creating a virtual business of spiritual products for those that desire healing to happiness in their lives.
I am toying with the idea of creating a Mediumship Apprenticeship Program to help trained mediums who need to hone their learned skills more through doing actual readings. Any body interested?
I think there is a huge unaddressed demand for this in the industry.
Stay tuned.
Spirit Medium Laura