Telepathy for Love. Telepathy is as real as the nose on your face. You can access it to have talks with someone you love even if your relationship is broken, lost or unhealed.
As you know you are talking to a medium. Not only do I do telepathy every time I do mediumship, but as well I have used it with people here on this plane of existence.

Telepathy for Love – Contacted Old Boyfriend
Once a while ago, I used telepathy to send a boyfriend who was late calling me a message to confirm our plans for dinner.
I was getting anxious as I had not heard from him, so I sent him a telepathic message. I wanted him to call me, not the other way around.
After doing the telepathy I received a text. Yes, it was him, confirming our plans for that evening.
How I Sent a Telepathic Message – Telepathy for Love
- I entered a focused, calm, meditative state of mind.
- As I looked inward I connected to the feeling of desire that he communicate with me.
- Then I sent the command, “Call me, I need to hear from you” several times with intense desire and emotion.
When I communicate with a person with whom I have a psychic or emotional connection, this usually works.
Some Other Examples of Telepathy for Love and Other Needs
This happened a while ago. A regular client owed me money. Last time I worked with her, she said she’d handle the payment. However, I had received no money after two weeks of waiting.
Finally I got really quiet and telepathically asked her to pay me with as much intense desire as I could muster. She called me as soon as I was done and apologized for not paying me yet.
My soul mate and I hadn’t spoken in years. I was wondering if he still thought about me. I sent an intense “hello” message.
I was awakened by his phone call the next morning to see if I was well.
One time I was teaching telepathy in a psychic development class. I asked the students to send me one of three colors I gave them to choose.
I went outside of the room so they could privately choose the color to send to me.
When I walked back into the room, I guided them through the steps to send me the color they had chosen.
To my amazement the following happened.
- I heard in my head the sound of a bomb whirring towards me.
- I saw a bomb of purple bursting in my mind’s eye.
- Then that purple reorganized itself by spelling the word purple one letter at a time in front of me very slowly, like P – U – R – P – L – E!
I was shocked and delighted at the same time! It was so funny.
P.S. I have noticed at times when I am doing mediumship spirit might spell the name of someone or a special word in my mind so I notice what they are saying and pay attention to it.
Once the name C A R L was spelled out in my head, a significant name for a member of the circle I was leading.
By the way when you see, feel and/or hear a communication this is called Synesthesia. Your brain is capable of so much more than you realize, if you expand its framework.
“What Is Synesthesia?
Synesthesia is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. ” Taken from HERE.
How to Do Telepathy for Love
- Choose who you want to communicate with and what message you want to send. This works best if you know the person you are sending this to very well.
- Make a simple message like “I love you,” “Call me,” “Hire me,” “Pay me,” etc.
- Get into a meditative state of mind.
- Uncross arms and legs and breathe from the stomach.
- Play the sound of the ocean or a theta meditation from a YouTube video.
- Imagine the person you want to communicate with is in front of you.
- I call this the target.
- Connect with the emotions you have around this message.
- Send the message and the emotions for as long as you can to your target.
- Then stop transmitting when you feel the emotions around the message are dissipating.
Here are some other articles I have written on Telepathy.
- TELEPATHY – Success With Telepathy
- TELEPATHY: How to Use Telepathy in Relationships
- TELEPATHY – Is It REAL? Can You Do It?
- TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION: Telepathy With Animals Heals
When to Do Telepathy for Love
- If you have lost touch with someone and want to hear from them.
- If you feel broken hearted after a breakup or argument with a loved one.
- When you want to be understood but do not have ability to talk to your target.
- If you really need to get someone to do something or get a message from you.
Who Telepathy for Love Works With
- People with whom you have a deep emotional connection.
- People with whom you have a psychic connection.
- Friends, family, coworkers and people you know very well, especially at an emotional level.
- It works less for people you do not know or have no feelings for.
It works if you work it and is more accessible than you think.
Here is a Free Class on How to Do Telepathy
Wikihow Article on 10 Steps to Develop Telepathy
Go here.
Manifest Love Now With FREE Manifestation Webinar
Telepathy is used in manifestation of love or anything. It is a telepathic communication but with the universe instead of another person.
Go HERE to watch a free webinar on how to manifest healing in your relationship, new love or anything else. Click here or on photo to view a free webinar about this.
Spirit Medium Laura