Telepathy in Love. Learn how to use telepathy to manifest love right now or repair a relationship! You are telepathic!
I have had many experiences which demonstrate telepathy in love, but I am sure you have too.
How many times have you thought about your love interest and he or she contacted you right away?
How many times have you had a dream about your love interest and found out the next morning they had you intensely on their mind at that time?
How many times have you and your love interest said the same thing at the same time?
When we are connected to someone emotionally we automatically have the vibration set up for telepathy.
The reason you are telepathic is because the universe is telepathic. We live in a conscious matrix of energy.
This conscious energy creates things. It created you!
It creates all the time.
Think about this. The universe began as inanimate matter. This matter evolved into living animate life.
So when you think about it there seems to be a creative consciousness to all things.
You are a product of this!
How can you tap into this creative matrix to creat telepathy in love? Here are some ideas.
- Emotions. Emotions are the telepathic words of the universe. It is therefore extremely important to be aware of what you are telepathically sending out on an emotional level. Do you send the feeling of love, being in love, giving love? If not, create that feeling and use it in your manifesting meditations. If you have trouble feeling this watch movies and read books about feeling in love. You will train your subconscious to create the feeling of love.
- Intensity. Be intense with emotion to amplify your telepathic message to the universe. An intention projected with acute feeling achieves results.
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Telepathy in Love Story
You won’t believe this. I was sitting in the small area behind my house on a gorgeous spring afternoon. I was reading a book, which discusses working at a soul level to create love relationships.
The book is called, “Soul Love,” by Sanaya Roman. I LOVE her books.

As I read a few pages, I had an idea to do the meditation in the book, modified a bit with some realizations I had earlier in the day. The book suggests using telepathy to call in love.
As I sat there feeling heavenly in the gentle sunset, I called in the love.
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Telepathy in Love Precognition
Earlier that day I had a realization that love is about compassion, connection and empathy for myself and the other person in the relationship.
I identified the emotions behind the feeling of love. I used this in a telepathy in love manifestation meditation.
I saw myself with a lover where I felt deep, mutual understanding, support and empathy.
I added these feelings into the meditation as I called in the soul mate. The meditation suggests you envision your soul mate appearing first as a mist then walking towards you getting more defined.
As I did this I suddenly felt I should open my eyes.
There across the golf course, a man was walking towards me. He looked eerily like the man in my daydream, youthful, athletic, with slightly long layered brown hair!
I sat there transfixed. I thought all at once, “Was this a real man? Could that telepathic meditation have done this?”
At that moment all I could think was, “I set an intention telepathically in a meditation and suddenly it happened? ”
The man continued to walk towards me. Finally when he reached his destination on the golf course in front of me he said “hello” and started to talk to me.
I got up from my seat, and went towards him. We continued with small talk about his life and how he likes to hit a few golf balls about this time of day a couple times a week.
While I was talking to him I remembered that feeling of love, compassion and connection I felt during the meditation.
During my time with this man I continued to telepathically radiate this feeling.
Finally he asked me to join him for a cup of coffee.
All this from a shift about love, a Heart Chakra meditation, which sent an intense telepathic intention?
Or was this just an event that was in my destiny and I saw psychically?
All I know is this was wild! I just love real magic when it happens.
This does NOT mean I met “the love of my life.” However, that was part of my wrong thinking.
A soul mate (or twin flame) can be a soul you connect with for a long or short amount of time. The relationship could be platonic or sexual.
A soul connection will always be a meaningful learning and growth opportunity if you partake in its potential.
For example, this experience could be here so I can learn the difference between narcissistic connections which are all about one person and collaborative connections which are about mutual compassion, caring and support.
This connection can be about my learning how responsive the universe is to my thinking, what my thinking is and learning how to upgrade my thinking to constructive purpose.
The next few days after this experience the universe produced two other potential love relationships
It seemed after this turning point in my awareness and consciousness surrounding love new opportunities were opening for me.
Telepathy in Love Conclusion
Each time you have a desire for something it is your soul talking to you about what you need to do to grow and evolve.
Always take your desires seriously. Never ignore them. Your desires are the basis of all real magic in your life.
Your desires create your reality telepathically! It is the universal law of manifestation.
Your desires when heeded create YOUR LUCK!
Sending you love and light!
Spirit Medium Laura
To set your private appointment with Laura go to
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