Remote Influence: Influence The Actions Of Another

NOT a developed PSYCHIC?  Learn Convert Hypnosis to make others eager to fulfill your desire.

Louise had a very intense argument with her fiancé.  It was the first time she had ever had such discord with him.  It had left her uncertain of her future.

It had been three days since she heard from him.  She lie in her bed longing with every cell in body that he would call her.

She saw his face in front of hers and began sending him this urgent message.  “Please call me.”  She did not want to call him as it was his decision to leave her.  She needed him to call her.

As she lay in bed she could not fall asleep.  She had taken some natural herbal remedy to help relax her and she began to feel a bit more relaxed, but her longing, desire and messages did not end.  She continued to send him her mental “S-O-S”.

Six common medicinal herbs in Tibet according ...

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Suddenly the phone rang.  It seemed almost like a foggy miracle.  She picked up the phone.  It was him.

He said he missed her and had this sudden urge to call her.  He wanted to know if he could come over right then to speak to her.

Have you ever had such an experience, where you wanted desperately to speak to someone and had no way to get them to call you other than send them an urgent message to do so?

It is possible to learn how to remotely influence  at will.  Here are the steps.

1.       Get in touch with intense desire and emotion, but yet not let these feelings overwhelm you.  Without emotions your results will be very weak.

2.       Next you need to get into a very relaxed state of mind.  There are specific steps to do this which will give ensure you are relaxed, yet alert every time.

3.       Mentally visualize the person with whom you wish to communicate.

4.       Fashion your statement to your desired person so it is best received.

5.       Train, train and train until your mind can send out a laser beam of intense focused thought at will.

NOT a developed PSYCHIC?  Learn Convert Hypnosis to make others eager to fulfill your desire.