Remote Influence Techniques can help get back your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, heal a relationship and even get someone to pay you.
- Remote Influence Techniques – How To Do It. How to Guide
This page contains instructions on remote influence techniques to ethically get someone to do something using your third eye. It offers on influence techniques to get back ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend, and further help with this Covert Hypnosis resource.
(Covert hypnosis is another term for remote influence)
1. Uses for Remote Influence.
- MONEY. Manifest a goal or desire or specific sum of money.
- BUSINESS. Get a loan, raise at work or something you want.
- LOVE. If you want someone to fall in love with you visualize them in love with you, then set up the suggestion phrase, “Peter loves (Your Name).”
- GET BACK LOVE. If you want someone to stop cheating on you visualize them in love with you again. For example, David is cheating on Sally. Sally visualizes David in love with her, and then sets up the suggestion, “David you are deeply in love with me.”
- CHILDREN BEHAVE. Imagine each one of your children in a loving and calm state behaving in a cooperative state. Your suggestion to your child is, “Penny, your mother loves you. Be kind to her.”
- HEALING. Take a photo of the sick person. Visualize them feeling well, while stating as you send this message to the center of their forehead, “Mary, you are healed.” You may do this for yourself too by using “I” instead of the other person’s name.
- MONEY. Imagine a sum of money you want and a time frame you want to receive it. Imagine yourself having this money with all the things you will do when you have it. After going into a deeply relaxed hypnotic state repeat to yourself for at least 15 minutes, “I have $5,000 or more in my bank account by this date (repeat the date).” You have to set a time frame for money goals.
- GET THE TRUTH. Get very relaxed and focused. Silently send this command through the center of the forehead of the person in question, “Billy, tell me the truth.” Then just wait for the truth to be revealed.
- GET A LOAN. Get calm and relaxed in a hypnotic state. Stare at the bank manager or loan officer sending this message mentally several times through his forehead, , “You will give me the loan now.”
- You should always do this asking that results be for highest good and benefit of all.
- Only do good with it or you will accrue bad karma for yourself.
- Needs to be done in a relaxed hypnotic state.
- Visualize the person from which you would like to receive telepathic information. Use a photo of them to help you visualize them as needed.
- Send out the message using their name as much as possible when doing it. Example, “Peter, speak to me. Peter, speak to me.”
- Telepathy is easier when done with someone you have a deep emotional bond with already.
- Repeat the phrase until you feel complete, like you have no more enthusiasm to send it.
- Setting a specific time of day to do this with your remote influence target, will make you more successful.

- Setup up the phrase you are going to use beforehand.
- Keep this phrase (remote influence phrase) as short as possible and the point. Ex. Peter loves Paula.
- Use the person’s name to which you are sending the influence as much as possible.
- Get deeply relaxed using meditation or a self hypnosis script.
- If you need to buy an audio for this go here and buy the one for Self Hypnosis.
- You should feel marvelously calm, relaxed, peaceful and content before beginning.
- Visualize the desired behavior from the person you wish to influence happening. For example if you want a loan from a Bank Loan Officer, picture yourself getting the loan. If you want to be loved by someone see this person in love with you. If you want your children to behave see them behaving.
- Then state your suggestion phrase, “Peter loves Paula.”
Target that phrase as entering the middle of the forehead of the person you wish to influence. - Use as much energy, focus and intention as possible as you send your message into the center of their forehead.
Always remain calm and relaxed when doing this. -
Be Patient. Be patient to develop skill with this. For the average person, practicing for 30 minutes each day should take about three to four weeks to see results with a minor goal.
Laser Success. Eventually when you develop the ability to emotionally focus your mind like a laser and plant a thought into another’s mind you will be able to see results within minutes. The skill lies in being able to focus and send your message.
Free! Covert Hypnosis and Secret Persuasion Files. NOT a developed PSYCHIC? Learn Convert Hypnosis to make others eager to fulfill your desire.
- Get in touch with what you really, really want.
- Make certain your desire is for your soul’s evolution versus simply peer pressure.
- Desire is a very potent and powerful force from which to create.
2. PICTURE. Obtain a picture of or be able to imagine the face of the person you wish to influence in front of you. (Can be used on yourself as the subject too.)
3. PREPARE your command. The command needs to be 1-4 words at most using your and subject’s name. For example if you are trying to heal a relationship with Lucy you might send the command, “Lucy let’s heal.” This will open the possibility for Lucy to recognize her feelings for you (if they are there) for purpose of healing the relationship. Lucy will not respond if she does not want to do so. Success with mental telepathy for remote influence & manifesting only works if the party to which you send the instructions really wants or is capable to respond. The mental telepathy simply encourages them, but does not force them.
4. TRANCE. Go into a deep Meditative/Hypnotic Trance state.
Free! Covert Hypnosis and Secret Persuasion Files. NOT a developed PSYCHIC? Learn Convert Hypnosis to make others eager to fulfill your desire.
5. SEND from your third eye (center of forehead) to subject’s third eye a command appropriate for the situation. For example if you are trying to heal a relationship you might send the command, “Lucy let’s heal.”
6. TIMING. Send this command while in a trance state very intensely and focused for at least 15 minutes at a time over as long a period (days, weeks, months, years) as you can. Do it only as you “feel” emotion behind it. Without emotion this will not work.
7. SEND DAILY. Send for ½ hour every day at same time. Fifteen minutes is an absolute minimum. More than ½ hour every day will bring faster results.
8. TIME OF DAY. Best times of the day to practice:
- In the morning after rising.
- In the evening before retiring.
- When you are rested.
- On an empty or comfortable stomach (not too full or too heavy)
- When the person you want to influence is receptive (ie when they are relaxed like just before retiring or after rising)
- Same time each day
6. Relax. Do in a relaxed and alert state of mind. Do not force results.
Remote Influence Techniques – How To Do It.
Free! Covert Hypnosis and Secret Persuasion Files. NOT a developed PSYCHIC? Learn Convert Hypnosis to make others eager to fulfill your desire.
- Remote Influence for Manifesting
- Covert Hypnosis Techniques, Remote Influence to Heal Relationships
- Covert Hypnosis Techniques: Remote Influence For Manifesting
- Remote Influence: Avoid The Danger
- Remote Influence Stories
- Remote Influence: Influence The Actions Of Another