Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life

Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life. When we know who we are, what we came to earth to do and understand the nature of the universe more, success is more likely in life.

Table of Contents

    Story About Find Purpose And Meaning In Life

    Today I was working with a client who had been studying Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist and author. I had to study her a bit to prepare for the session because it had been years since I had followed her.

    During a video on youtube she began talking about what she calls the subconscious. She said that when working with clients at times rather than a past life coming up, beings would appear who called themselves The Collective.

    They provided the purpose and meaning of a person’s soul, at a level beyond the ordinary. Below there is more information about what The Collective can help with.

    I Channel The Collective Dolores Cannon Talks About

    Much to my surprise I realized I channel The Collective Dolores Cannon talks about! After many years of channeling various individual entities I began to channel The Collective or The Ones as they call themselves.

    So today I decided to focus a bit on what Dolores Cannon says about The Collective so you can gain some deeper tools to create success your life.

    Here is the video I was listening to. It is followed by a summary of it. Hope you enjoy.

    Here is a summary of the key points from the video “Communicating with the Subconscious Mind ~ Dolores Cannon”:

    1. Trance Technique: Dolores Cannon developed a method to induce a deep level of trance, known as the synambulistic level, which is the deepest before entering delta. This allows for better access to the subconscious mind and eliminates conscious interference.
    2. Historical Exploration: Early in her career, Cannon focused on exploring past lives and historical periods through hypnosis, allowing clients to “time travel” and relive past events.
    3. Subconscious Mind’s Role: Cannon believes the subconscious mind is not merely childish or primitive (as psychiatrists claim) but is a vast, universal consciousness that holds answers to all questions and provides deep insights.
    4. Physical Healing: Cannon works with clients to address physical issues like pain and diseases by tracing them back to their emotional or past-life causes, and many clients experience healing without surgery.
    5. Body and Mind Connection: She explains that physical pain is often a message from the subconscious, urging a person to resolve emotional or mental issues. Different parts of the body correspond to specific life situations (e.g., back pain related to carrying burdens).
    6. Past Life Therapy: Through hypnosis, Cannon guides people to past lives that hold clues about current struggles, aiming to heal trauma carried over from previous lifetimes.
    7. Subconscious’s Intelligence: Cannon refers to the subconscious as a “collective” or “oversoul” and describes it as an entity with vast intelligence, which can heal the body and provide answers to deep, existential questions.
    8. UFO and ET Research: Over the years, Cannon expanded her work to include extraterrestrial and UFO phenomena, offering unique theories and insights based on information from the subconscious mind.
    9. Simultaneous Time Concept: Cannon discusses the concept of simultaneous time, where past, present, and future all occur at once, challenging the traditional linear perception of time.
    10. Evolution of Knowledge: Cannon’s understanding of metaphysical concepts has evolved over the years, with increasingly complex and abstract information provided by the subconscious, including theories on the new Earth and reincarnation.

    More About Cannon’s View of The Subconscious Mind to Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life

    Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist and author, is best known for her work on past life regression and the exploration of the subconscious mind.

    Through her unique approach to hypnosis, she developed a method called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), which allowed her to access deep states of the subconscious to uncover hidden memories, past life experiences, and profound spiritual insights.

    Cannon’s views on the subconscious mind were integral to her broader understanding of human consciousness and its connection to the universe.

    At the heart of Cannon’s work was the belief that the subconscious mind plays a crucial role in our lives, not only in managing daily functions but also in guiding our spiritual growth. She regarded the subconscious as a powerful, intelligent aspect of the self that holds vast knowledge beyond our conscious awareness.

    For Cannon, the subconscious was not merely a storehouse of forgotten memories or repressed desires, but a dynamic and conscious entity that could offer healing and wisdom.

    One of the most significant ideas Cannon explored was the concept that the subconscious mind has access to all knowledge, both from this life and from past incarnations.

    Through her regression work, Cannon found that many individuals, when in a deep hypnotic state, could recall experiences from past lives with incredible detail.

    These memories, often forgotten by the conscious mind, were stored within the subconscious and could be accessed during hypnosis.

    For Cannon, these past life memories were not just a curious phenomenon but a key to understanding the soul’s journey and the reasons behind present-day challenges or behaviors.

    Moreover, Cannon’s work emphasized the role of the subconscious in healing. Through QHHT, she found that the subconscious could provide answers to medical issues, emotional struggles, and even relationship problems.

    In many of her sessions, clients reported that the subconscious mind identified the root causes of physical ailments or psychological distress and could offer solutions, such as guidance on lifestyle changes or emotional releases.

    This perspective aligned with her belief that the subconscious mind was not a passive recorder of experiences but an active participant in the healing process, often offering remedies that were not accessible to the conscious mind.

    Cannon also introduced the idea that the subconscious is deeply connected to a higher, spiritual aspect of ourselves.

    She referred to this higher consciousness as the “higher self” or the “oversoul,” which exists beyond the limitations of the physical body and ego. According to Cannon, the higher self communicates with the subconscious to guide us toward greater understanding and personal evolution.

    This relationship between the conscious mind, the subconscious, and the higher self forms the foundation for her holistic view of human consciousness.

    She suggested that by accessing the subconscious, individuals could tap into the wisdom of their higher self, enabling profound healing, spiritual growth, and the understanding of life’s greater purpose.

    In Cannon’s view, the subconscious mind is not just a tool for understanding the self but a bridge to accessing higher levels of consciousness. It serves as a gateway to universal truths, offering individuals insights into their purpose, their soul’s journey, and their connection to the universe.

    Through the practice of hypnosis, Cannon believed that anyone could access this deep well of knowledge and experience profound transformation, healing, and enlightenment. Her work continues to inspire those who seek a deeper understanding of the mind, spirit, and the mysteries of existence.

    How To Access Your Subconscious Mind to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life

    Accessing the subconscious mind can be a transformative experience that opens up a wealth of insights, healing, and personal growth. While many people turn to professional hypnotherapists or therapists to tap into their subconscious, it is entirely possible to access this part of the mind on your own.

    The subconscious mind is a powerful, hidden part of your psyche that controls automatic functions, emotions, memories, and deeply ingrained patterns of behavior. By learning how to communicate with it, you can unlock its potential for self-improvement, problem-solving, and emotional healing. Here are several methods to access your subconscious mind independently:

    1. Meditation

    Meditation is one of the most accessible and effective ways to access the subconscious mind. Through deep relaxation, you can quiet the conscious mind and allow the subconscious to surface. To begin, find a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and gradually let go of any thoughts or distractions.

    As you reach a relaxed state, you can gently direct your focus inward, asking your subconscious to reveal insights or offer guidance on specific issues. You might also use mantras or affirmations to help direct your thoughts toward a desired outcome. Regular meditation practice strengthens your ability to access deeper layers of the mind over time.

    2. Visualization

    Visualization is another powerful technique for accessing the subconscious mind. This involves imagining or mentally creating a scene, place, or situation that helps you tap into your inner self. For example, you could visualize yourself standing in front of a door that leads to your subconscious. As you “enter” this space, allow images, memories, or emotions to emerge without judgment.

    By visualizing scenarios in which your subconscious reveals its knowledge or secrets, you can begin to understand your hidden beliefs, fears, and desires. You can also use visualization to help manifest goals by mentally rehearsing success and attracting positive outcomes.

    3. Journaling

    Writing is a simple yet effective method to access the subconscious. Often, when you put pen to paper without overthinking, your subconscious mind reveals itself through free-flowing thoughts, emotions, and ideas. One approach is stream-of-consciousness writing, where you write continuously without stopping to edit or analyze.

    This method can bypass the conscious mind’s control, allowing deeper thoughts and feelings to surface. You can also use journaling prompts such as, “What am I feeling right now?” or “What is holding me back?” This can trigger subconscious responses that help clarify issues or uncover hidden patterns in your life.

    4. Self-Hypnosis

    Self-hypnosis is a technique that can help you enter a relaxed, suggestible state where the subconscious is more accessible. To practice self-hypnosis, start by finding a quiet space and sitting or lying comfortably. Focus on your breathing and relax your body, progressively releasing tension.

    Once you’ve reached a calm state, use visualization or affirmations to guide your subconscious mind. You can ask it for insights or focus on resolving a specific issue. Self-hypnosis works similarly to meditation, but with a more structured approach, often involving repetitive suggestions or imagery to deepen the hypnotic state.

    5. Dream Work

    Dreams are a direct channel to the subconscious mind. Often, the subconscious communicates through symbols, emotions, and narratives during sleep. To access the subconscious through dreams, start keeping a dream journal. Upon waking, immediately write down everything you remember from your dreams, no matter how fragmented or unclear.

    Over time, patterns and recurring themes may emerge, offering clues about your subconscious beliefs, desires, and fears. You can also set an intention before sleep by asking your subconscious for answers to specific questions, or for guidance on a particular issue.

    6. Affirmations and Auto-Suggestion

    Affirmations and auto-suggestion are powerful tools for reprogramming the subconscious mind. By consistently repeating positive, empowering statements, you can rewire limiting beliefs and replace them with new, supportive ones.

    For example, if you struggle with self-esteem, you could repeat daily affirmations like, “I am confident and worthy.” Over time, these repeated statements can influence your subconscious mind and alter your thoughts and behaviors, leading to positive change.

    7. Listening to Binaural Beats or Solfeggio Frequencies

    Binaural beats and Solfeggio frequencies are soundwave patterns that influence brainwave states. By listening to these sounds, you can enter a deep meditative or trance-like state, which facilitates access to the subconscious.

    These frequencies are designed to resonate with the brain and promote relaxation, creativity, or healing. There are various audio tracks available online that cater to different goals, such as stress reduction, emotional healing, or spiritual growth.

    I use this binaural beat video to access The Collective for client sessions. It works!

    Conclusion – Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life

    Accessing the subconscious mind is a skill that can be developed over time with patience and practice. By using techniques such as meditation, visualization, journaling, self-hypnosis, and dream work, you can tap into the rich reservoir of wisdom, memories, and healing energy stored within your subconscious.

    These methods allow you to better understand yourself, release limiting beliefs, and create positive change in your life. As you practice these techniques, you may discover new insights about your true self and unlock your full potential for personal transformation.

    As a psychic medium I access your subconscious mind and the collective unconscious during sessions. This is another way for you to access your higher self for answers about your purpose.

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