How to Develop WISDOM for security, safety and success in your life through your inner connection to God. Learn about the Hall of Wisdom.
How to Develop WISDOM. Having wisdom is probably the most important quality you can develop. When you make wise decisions, it is implied you will be safe, secure and successful.
Since this quality is so integral to all the rewards life has to offer, let us explore what wisdom is and how to get it.
EXAMPLE of WISDOM. An example of wisdom is choosing to use positive thinking to create a successful life. Those who know “what you see is what you get” in life, use affirmations, positive thinking and visualization to create a wonderful life. They are wise.
Those who run around swept up in the negativity found around them, are unwise, and usually will be fulfilling a negative mindset.
When you have found wisdom it will feel right. You might have tears of joy associated with it. It might make you feel relieved, centered, balanced and peaceful.
I would like to postulate, that wisdom is God speaking through you. So if you desire to have more wisdom you will need to strengthen your relationship with the ultimate consciousness of it – God.
So how do you do this? How do you strengthen your relationship with the higher consciousness of God.
The first step is to know that God is not OUT THERE. God is IN YOU.
Many who follow religions (not all) can be very disconnected from God Wisdom. Perhaps this is why they follow their religion. Maybe they are seeking that connection.
But God and wisdom cannot be found following external rules. That is the point. Rules are not wisdom. Knowing is.
Wisdom comes when you no longer seek it, when you no longer look outside yourself for it, when you no longer try to define it.
Wisdom is knowing what is truth for you. Once you get to that place, you have Wisdom and are a Wisdom holder.
You are the judge of what is wisdom for you. Wisdom means you have found your unique connection to God.
This connection is similar to riding a bicycle. It is an inner core of what feels right to you.
The way to find wisdom is to study everything that feels right to you, religious teachings, meditation, journaling, seeking.
Finding Wisdom is like the Dark Night of the Soul. It can feel lonely when going through this phase. You may not have yet the answers, but be confronted by situations that require you to have them.
Your soul will create these situations to encourage your growth, your development of WISDOM. If you continue to make unwise decisions your soul will create new situations that are even more challenging to resolve.
This is called spiritual evolution and wisdom is what you are developing.
How to Develop Wisdom. Wisdom is your inner connection to God.
CHANNELING on WISDOM From Angels of Light
We are your Angels of Light.
We speak to you in the night when you sleep.
We love each and every one of you.
You are our soul as our soul is yours.
We have recently come into Being in the Light of Now. We are able now to speak to each of you when you are in the sleeping state.
This is the time you set aside as humans to hear your inner thought, to work things through and to learn what is right for you. This is the time when you learn how to live in a wise way.
The night when you sleep is your time for wisdom and to learn about it.
So when you go to sleep ask your higher self, your soul to give you the answers to whatever you are working on during the day.
You soul will look inward and upward to give you the wisdom answers. We are working with you on this now.
Each of us has been assigned to work with each of you seeking such knowledge. It is available to each of you.
The Dark Night of the Soul is another example of sleeping for sleeping means you are in darkness and trying to figure things out.
We are here to help.
So we use the idea of sleeping at night but this can be taken to sleeping in general, when you are not yet connected to the inner core of your being which knows and has all the answers.
These answers are from God, of which we are a part.
When we say we we mean you and us. We are all connected to wisdom. Those in the earth form need to find the door to find the wisdom.
When you find the door, that opening to wisdom, you will never close it again.
It is the core of your being, it is your feeling nature, what feels right for you.
It is only in the earth dimension that you could loose that plug, that connection, for in spirit you do not have this problem. In spirit you are instantly wise.
Start by asking before you retire at night that you be taken to the Wisdom Hall for sight, recollection and wisdom for the right answers.