Channeled Abundance Meditation. A client asked me to channel an abundance meditation. I was surprised by what happened.
As I channeled during her live session her spirit guides brought an unexpected light meditation that went through her entire body. This light brought frequency shifting vibrations.
A Channeled Abundance Meditation for You
I loved the result of this session so much I decided to do something similar for you today. This one is more generic, of course, but will be focused on providing you a vibration of abundance.
If this works well, I will do more in the future. It is based on a Chakra.
Channeling Begins – Channeled Abundance Meditation
The collective is with you now we are the one and the ones that work with human beings on their souls and their evolution.
One of the things that humans seem to want and cannot get enough of is love. Love is the magical elixir of all things.
It is the Creative Juice the creative Force the Creative Energy. You as a human being need love. Without love you are alone or feel isolated.
You also feel that whatever you do is meaningless. Oneness is everything and the only way to create Oneness is with love.
How to Feel Connected
We as the Ones would like to help you find the feeling of LOVE within you. You need to do this to evolve out of feeling separate to feeling connected.
When you feel connected there is no separation between what you desire and what you have. This is why we call this a higher vibration.
When you feel you cannot have what you want or desire in life you are living at a lower frequency. You are living at the frequency of not having.
It is important to create opportunities in your human experience to explore what feeling love or feeling no love is like.
This is the big bonus of an earth experience and life.
As you begin to embrace the beauty of “not having,” you will begin to dissipate its effect on you. Therefore the next time you feel you cannot have something that you want, send it an attitude of gratitude.
Each experience of not having is your training ground to have. This only happens if you send it love, if you appreciate it as an opportunity to have.
Draw Your Attention to the 5th Chakra – Abundance Channeled Meditation
We now want to draw your attention to your 5th Chakra this is the Chakra of love. It is a healing Chakra.
When you align with this Chakra you will find all things come to you easier.
This is the throat Chakra. When you are out of alignment with this Chakra you literally are choking yourself.
You cannot have that which you desire if you are blocked at the throat.
Many different Chakras can be called into healing, but for today we will focus on this beautiful energy portal to the soul, to your soul and infinite self.
The Throat Chakra Gives Permission – Abundance Channeled Meditation
When you are out of alignment with this Chakra you have told yourself you cannot have what you want.
When you are in alignment with this Chakra you tell yourself you can have what you want.
Blocked = I can’t have what I want.
Unblocked = I can have what I want.
When this Chakra is unblocked you have basically accepted yourself for what you are, what you want and what you desire.
You are able to accept the deepest failure of yourself as well as the highest accomplishments.
Love resides at this Chakra in this way.
Here is an exercise to help unblock the Throat Chakra.
Sit or lie in a position that is very comfortable for you.
How to Observe A Chakra – Channeled Abundance Meditation
Gently when ready bring your attention to your throat area.
Close you eyes.
What do you feel? Make a note of this.
What do you see? Make a note of this.
What do you notice? Make a note of this.
As you peruse and examine this Chakra you will become more aware of the areas in which you are out of alignment. If you do not feel, see or notice anything that is fine.
Simply observing this Chakra is a signal for you to release blocks at this location.
How to Unblock A Chakra – Channeled Abundance Meditation
Imagine there is a huge cloud of sky blue light in front of your throat area. Imagine this light now goes into your throat, clearing and elevating its vibration to a higher level.
Sit in this vision for a moment. See the sky blue cloud of light clearing your throat area.
Now release the cloud. Let it go.
You have cleared this Chakra of any blocks you have.
You can do this type of clearing meditation on any Chakra you feel is blocked.
The Throat Chakra – A Secret Abundance Portal
We wanted to focus on the Throat Chakra today for this is the secret Chakra for unblocking abundance.
It is your portal to the all that is.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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