Channeled Message From Spirit with Soul Talk Art. Today’s channeled message from spirit and Soul Talk Art explains how seeing all circumstances as LOVE is the path to joy.
Your wise self (your guru) is LOVE!
Soul Talk Art is an easy way to allow spirit to speak to you through pictures you create without art skills!
Learn more about this fun and miraculous technique HERE.
It is an interesting coincidence that I had been thinking of writing an article about being stuck in adversity and finding a way to handle it before I got inspired to do Soul Talk Art paired with a channeled message from spirit instead.
The art magically presented what seemed to be a yogi guru holding up a large mass of troubling energy.
Later I realized the guru appeared first in the only other Soul Talk Art I did earlier that day. See that below the channeled message.
The channeled message inspired from the art, explains how to handle adversity in life with grace and ease, like a guru.
What presented in the art and the channeled message from spirit turned out to be exactly what I wanted to talk about without my having direct control over the expression of it!
Ah, synchronicity. I LOVE it!

Channeled Message begins.
This message is about the heart center, the heart, love.
Heart messages come from the Heart Chakra the energy center of love in the body, the system and the universe.
There is no power greater than love. It is you at your core element, or essence.
Although this element may express in convoluted ways whilst in the earth atmosphere of knowledge it is still your highest self, your essence.
The essence of knowing is to know that love is all there is. That nothing or no one can out play or top love.
When you are in the love state you will find your life will flow better, even if things are askew.
We mean that when you see all things as good, as loving, your life will flow better than ever before.
You need to see each situation you are in as GOOD, not bad.
This will eliminate all suffering when on earth.
Continuing in this idea, when you see a lack of good as good you will know that things will get better. That nothing or no one is against you.
Things on earth are not there to hurt or harm you.
Things, situations and conditions are there to nurse you to health, the true health of love.
When in adversity, think of how loving the situation is.
Then you will know the power of love as armed to protect, nurture and show you the path to positive safe harbor.
This key is the secret to all knowing of no harm to thee.
Amen, Namaste,
The Ones

My comments.
Lately I have been in the void. Whatever was working in the past for me, the way I carved enjoyment, pleasure and engagement out of life seemed to have disappeared for me.
Of course, the Covid shut down was a part of this, but that was not a coincidence.
The spiritual interpretation of Covid is an opportunity for mankind to clear out the old and bring in the new better matched to the consciousness of the world now.
When something no longer works, it is because it no longer matches your vibration. A key measure of vibration match is joy. No joy, no match. Is joy, vibration match.
Rather than despair then that something is not matched to you, it is WISE to simply be in the LOVE vibration of acceptance.
Wisdom is to see all things as LOVE. This means when your life is not working it is time to be still, not resist.
You do not resist, when you know all things are LOVE. You see where you are in life as an OPPORTUNITY for something greater, fantastic, extraordinary waiting to appear.
This old adage, “When one door closes, another opens,” summarizes this concept.
This is LOVE in action. You then set the personal intention to find the new door opening.
At times it is helpful to go to a spiritual counselor of some sort to help this birthing effort.
Or simply go it alone with meditation, prayer and intention that your new beginning is upon you.
This then helps speed up your new positive circumstances.
You do not have to struggle in life. You can LOVE instead.
This is your magical elixir of faith to deliver all good to you and others.
Spirit Medium Laura