We are the Ones that Watch over you. The ones are the 7 major arcana [archetypes], the brotherhood of light [Ascended Masters], the Elohim, the 7 archangels and others like this. We are the major communicators of the universe that help souls evolve into the light of one.
This is love indeed, but in a broader sense than Sananda. We go beyond Sananda to the greater good. We will not take on the identity of a soul to inauthenticate our presence. We are broader than Jesus and less than God. We are servants to The One God.
We create the fiber from which all things emanate, like you. You are a thing so to speak, a person, a being of thought. As all thought objects or things, there is a creative process to arrive at you.
You come from thought and thinking. You are thought and thinking. You are a thought form so to speak.
Without thought you would not be. Someone had a thought to create you and then you became a thing.
So in all actuality you are the thing of thought.
We are the Ones helping humanity arrive at the conclusion of thought as a thing, so that they can evolve too.
Humanity is now at a crossroads where they are not thinking. They are simply being. Without thinking there can be no being so there you have the error.
The place of error means that there is an end to non thought, no thinking, in humanity. When a unit has no thinking it does no longer exist.
Humanity is at a crossroads of not thinking to create reality. Without thinking there can be no reality.
So we stepped in to assuage this process, to help those on earth think better so there can be more things in the future.
With you as a thought leader you can help. You can arrange for others to hear the thinking that creates the thoughts that create the things.
Many on earth desire to create things, but not for others. Only for themselves. This type of thought thing creation will create more chaos, not less. It is dangerous deleterious to your health!
We have arrived at the earth plane to assist in the thinking so that the end product, the thing, is arranged in a form of thinking that is holistic, for the greater good, the oneness of all and the ultimate power, God.

We do not mean to sound trite, but there is indeed a God. He or she is not important, the pronoun is not the identity of this thought thing, for this thing called God is not a thing.
God is the Thing of all Things, he or she is the ultimate object of creation.
So when you desire to become one with the all that is, you are joining this energy, which is perpetuating, penetrating to all things that exist. It is the God.
The God would like all of you to know what it is that it means, does and knows. The God wants, desires that there be a one thing in which all humanity exists so as to perpetuate the oneness of what already is, not to detract from it, but rather to join it.
So we say to you to join our cause to help others grow and yourself grow. To become one with our purpose to serve others and the mainstream of souls trying to evolve towards their idea of happiness but without a path to truth, happiness and growth.
We are the The Ones that Watch Over you, but we are more than that. We are the patrons of The One God who is the only patron of reality.
The Ones