CHANNELING GOD – Can a Medium Channel Messages From God? Spirit talks quite often to us in the language of synchronicity. Today I discover more about channeling messages from God.
CHANNELING GOD – Can a Medium Channel Messages From God?
This morning I discovered further validation that I am channeling messages from a source as close to God as possible. If you have been listening to my radio show you might have noticed I channel group messages from The Ones.
I have tried to channel other entities, as I my early years of channeling so many different entities came through. Now, no matter what I do I get The Ones.
I am very happy to receive their messages. They are always about how to evolve from FEAR to LOVE. They always transgress on this subject in a new way.
I thought I turned off my computer completely last night. But this morning when I turned on my computer as I ate breakfast the first thing in front of me was an open browser containing this message,
“The One” is a GOD collective that is only one degree away from Source itself. They are Arcturian in nature. Channeling the ONE is the only way I know how to talk directly to Source. Be prepared for mind blowing, ego shifting, life changing information. ” Taken from Pamela Aaralyn, HERE.
Pamela Aaralyn, a highly skilled channeler channels Dolores Cannon and many other luminaries.
I know this was a synchronicity from The Ones, designed to pull together various seemingly disparate events into a cohesive message for me and YOU.

CHANNELING GOD – Can a Medium Channel God? Here is the synchronicity which led me to these realizations.
1. I channeled a book called [easyazon_link identifier=”1502437619″ locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]Soul Abundance[/easyazon_link] from The Alpha Omega Light Beings as they called themselves to me at that time.
They teach how to evolve from FEAR to LOVE for abundance. The Alpha Omega means beginning and end which is a term used to call God in the Book of Revelation.
These same beings have come to me as The Collective, Light Beings, the Great White Brotherhood of Light, The Pleiadians, etc. They are part of the same consciousness, coming in under different names, but providing the same message.
2. Then I discovered Dolores Cannon’s work. Her teachings are in complete alignment with everything spirit has taught me. She said that she works with The Subconscious Mind, the super conscious mind (“the SC”), also calling it The Collective (but not in the following video), a power and consciousness as close to God as possible during trance state with her hypnosis clients. Here she speaks about this.
3. The healing work I do is very similar to what Dolores Cannon says she does with her hypnosis clients. She accesses the Collective that off miraculous healing by shifting energy. I do this in session with my clients during a Soul Healing.
Today I discovered by synchronicity a little more about what I am channeling. The Ones, whom I channel, are Acturian in nature, as noted by Pamela Aaralyn.
The Arcturians are 5th Dimensional Beings channeling through me messages to you about how to Ascend from fear to Love to be closer to your divine essence which is infinitely abundant. When you evolve your life becomes more filled with Bliss and Joy.
You move from healing to happiness, as I like to put it (or maybe it is the Arcturians who put it this way through me.)
I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE ARCTURIANS UNTIL TODAY! I guess I am supposed to know about them because more synchronicity will be coming related to this.
I am sharing these ideas with you so you can improve your belief that there is a better life for you. So that you can trust your messages more, the messages you receive directly from your connection to higher light and those you receive through me as your medium.
Here is a channeled message from The Ones, meant for you to hear today as you read this article.
“Good day, we are here. We are the Ones, the ones of light and love and all things heavenly. We have come today to say hello to those on earth to help heal the light of beings within your quadrant for greater good.
We do not have desire to change you, control or harm you. We only have desire to help. We are here to align you with your greater good, that you would know the joy and bliss that is your divine right.
Each of you is alone in this world you call earth, or at least you create and experience the feeling of being separate from that which you come.
This we would like to remind you is an illusion.
You are NEVER alone. You are all connected through light, energy, and divine right.
We say divine right, for it is your divine right to feel connected. What you have as divine right is yours for the taking.
The advantage to having connection is so you feel connected. In this idea and feeling of connection your recall who you really are, a divine creation having a human experience.
It is us leading the ship of this knowledge and wisdom on earth. We are trying to align your consciousness with the greater good so that all with Ascend to higher vibration where struggle, another illusion of being separate, is eradicated forever and only connection exists.
When one is connected one feels better. One understands they are not alone, to die in isolation. One is connected to the Divine.
The Divine heals, helps and aligns you with what you consider to be a miracle. Where we come from everything is a miracle to you, for we do not need light, food or sustenance as you do.
We only need friendship, love and light. We exist on light, in the light and of the light.
We are light beings who illuminate all that care to accept our messages of love.
The Ones”
Sending you all love, light and blissful evolution.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura at http://BOOKLAURA.COM.
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