CHANNELING: How to ground and protect.

There are many ways to open and close your invitation to interact with spirit. However, all these methods are essentially doing the same thing.
CHANNELING: They are setting intention to open and close the energetic door to spirit.
Simply go into a meditative state, then ask your door be opened when you want to work with spirit. Then when you want to close down you simply ask the door be shut.
If you do not feel your asking is strong enough, and you feel you need help from spirit then ask your guides to help you. As well, some people relate well to other spiritual or religious figures. Ask them for help.
Some people use Jesus Christ, Ascended Masters such as St. Germain, Archangels such as Michael and/or Buddha. Whatever your preference and beliefs support is what you should use if this helps boost your level of belief in the power of setting your intention.
There are other ways to do this as well, such as aura grounding exercises. But the basic premise is the same.
CHANNELING: Your door to spirit is opened and closed through your intention. You need to believe this will work, otherwise you have not set your intention.
Tomorrow I will discuss simple ways to ground and protect.
Have a great day all!