CHANNELING: Simple ways to ground and protect

energy (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

CHANNELING:  Simple ways to ground and protect your energy.  The following method is what I use myself to open my energy for psychic sessions and to close it off. 

It is imperative that exact and specific steps be followed when you work to ensure consistent results.  A lot of people think that because this work is intuitive and creative it should be done in an undisciplined fashion.  This could not be further from the truth.

CHANNELING:  Psychic work takes discipline, intention and exact steps to get the results you desire.  Here are some steps I use.

Simple way to Open.

1. Go into a meditative state.
2. Ask in prayer that the door to spirit open in love and light.
3. Vibration connection. Visualize your aura going out in all directions to connect to spirit.

Simple way to Close.

1. Ask in prayer your energy be returned to your own field
2. Visualize your energy going back to your body
3. See a white light encasing you in protection.

CHANNELING:  It works if you work it.

Tomorrow I will provide some cool exercises to clear your energy, ground and protect using chakras and your aura.

Have a great day all!


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