Channeling Spirit About The Afterlife has revealed some interesting ideas about suffering, consciousness and time. Read this article to learn more.
Channeling Spirit About The Afterlife: What Happens When We Die?
As a medium I get bits and pieces of the answer to this question on a regular basis. There are souls that have been placed in a healing space after suicide.
There are souls that are living in little homes in the woods on the Astral Plane. There are souls that feel like they moved out of an earth like surrounding to a more amorphous place of sacred energy.
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Channeling Spirit About The Afterlife
I have decided today to do a bit of channeling to ask Spirit What Happens When We Die? I bet the answer will be unexpected.
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Dear Spirit Guides what happens when we die? Can you provide a bit about the process, where we live, what it feels like, etc? Is there a real place that a soul from earth will relate to or is it just one huge energy place where we are without a body?
Yes we can discuss a bit of this with you however everything we say is just a summary. Souls in spirit can experience many different ways of being not just those we speak about here.
The reason for this is that souls in spirit at times do not know who they are after they have transitioned. This is in only rare cases.
Most of the time a soul will know who they are, who they were when on earth and have a body much or very similar to what they had one earth.
They can decide if they would like to remove their limitations and be a better version of their earth self as well.
This is true for those souls that will reincarnate.
They will remain close to earth after they transition, then over time they will come back or move to higher realms and not return.
Yes, at times a soul will stay in the astral plane not knowing they will return to earth or not. There are other times when they will be able to make a choice at a later time.
Time is an interesting concept. Whey we in spirit do experience time, or a feeling of events moving forward or even backwards, we do not have time like you have on earth. For us time moves in any direction we want it to move. We can move it fast forward.
We can move it backwards. We can even have it remain placed where it is for a duration of unknown length.
In other words we experience a linear progression of events, but according to our consciousness and will. There is not dimensional control over us called time. We control time for our needs and desires.
This is probably one of the most enjoyable parts of spirit life, is that we do not have to be subject to time. Time is subject to us.
When we leave our physical form to come to spirit we also enjoy many more things we could not enjoy on earth. We can eat what we want. We have access to what we want when we want it.
There is no suffering in the astral or high astral plane. There is suffering in lower dimensional energy where a soul will carry with it suffering from earth and remain in limitations until they are healed enough to let go of the suffering.
Spirit is an equal opportunity for everyone to leave suffering and go to higher dimensions of bliss and love. You do not have to stay in lover planes forever you can come to higher planes and be healed.
This si why it is so very very important to heal your thinking on earth because if you do not you will carry with you the vibration of limitation and suffering. “On earth so it is in heaven” means that you carry your consciousness with you.
Heal on earth and when you go to spirit you will have a more enjoyable or blissful experience.
If is difficult for us to talk about bliss and joy from the perspective of spirit, because it is not called bliss and joy in spirit. On earth being blissful means feeling ecstatic as in an out of the normal experience.
In spirit you just are happy, you feel complete. They is no suffering to compare to the good feelings, so everything is even or more even.
We do not have much drama here is what we mean.
We have goodness, happiness, love, kindness and caring for self and others. We do not experience lack because lack is something you have in a dimension which is fixed like earth.
The idea of not having something is unique to earth or the earth vibration.
We say the earth vibration because in spirit we know there are other vibrations like earth. In other words there is not only one place where a soul can experience lack. There are lower dimensions we already spoke about.
We will go for today. Perhaps tomorrow we can continue this dialogue.
The Spirit Ones, Through Spirit Medium Laura
Channeling Spirit About The Afterlife: Who are the Spirit Ones?
They are us and a few other souls that come along to add details and variety. We are a group mind and group intelligence.
The Spirit Ones
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