CHANNELING SPIRITS: Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications

CHANNELING SPIRITS:  Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications

About 30 years ago a funny thing happened to me.  I spontaneously began channeling spirit.  I had no idea what this was, but allowed the gift to lead me.  After I began channeling spirit, my life changed.

I had access to my own personal spiritual coaches, more commonly known as my spirit guides.  My master guide was St. Ignatius Loyola, whom I found recently is the same master guide to the famed healer from Brazil, John of God!

CHANNELING SPIRITS:  Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications

Why would you want to channel your own spiritual guide?  Because:

1.  Wisdom.  Access to your own spiritual guides offers you help on any subject from a personal relationship to how to make more money.

2.  Life Purpose.  Your spiritual guides will lead you in life to fulfill your purpose.  Your life purpose will enhance your wealth, health and happiness.

3.  Healing.  Your spiritual guides will help you heal from any pain or illness.  They are particularly useful in the area of emotional spiritual growth.

4.  Psychic Development.  Opening your clairaudient channel will allow you to develop psychic perception, even mediumship.

CHANNELING SPIRITS:  Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications

Here is a simple exercise for you to gain access to your guides.

1.  Cut a plain, unused piece of paper into two equal halves.  Write on one piece the word YES.  Write on the exact duplicate piece of paper the word NO.   You now should have two pieces of paper each with the word Yes or No on it and nothing else.

2.  Turn them over so you cannot see them.  Mix them up so you do not know which says Yes or No.

3.  Ready a Yes or No question you have about your own life.  “Should I do ‘this’?”

4.  Take a brief meditation of about 10 minutes minimum.  I have found some on that places me very pleasantly into theta brain wave state.

5.  Now focus and ask your question to your spirit guide.  Say, “Dear spirit guide should I do ‘this’?”

6.  Then look at the pieces of paper.  Feel the one that calls to you and turn it over.  This is your answer from your spirit guide.

If you do this often enough you will start to feel answers directly in your head without using the pieces of paper.  This is your spiritual guides speaking to you.

ANGELS.  I used to sit in an Angel Healing Circle with others trained by Doreen Virtue.  The answers I would get for audience participants were identical to those coming from Angel Healers.

Conclusion?  Angels and Spirit Guides are the same.  Call them what you will, tomato or tomaato, they are your divine beings ready to help and assist you on your life path to fulfill your soul’s purpose, evolve and heal.

I have written a book complete with more exercises like this, gently guiding you to open your clairaudience to channel spirit.  You can buy it by searching for “CHANNELING SPIRITS:  Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications,” on

I ask you to find it this way rather than giving you the exact link because it will gain better placement on Amazon if you do.


Spirit Medium Laura

Learn to channel in your own private session with Laura by booking your appointment at this link:

Buy the book, “CHANNELING SPIRIT:  Clairaudience for Spirit World Communications,” by going to and searching for this title.

BUY THE VIDEO COURSE, “CHANNELING SPIRITS:  Clairaudience for Mediumship.”  This includes the book, two video courses, a presentation.  Go HERE.

GET SOUL PSYCHIC HEALER MASTER CERTIFICATION.  Buy and complete all four courses in the series including CHANNELING SPIRITS.  Go HERE.