CHANNELING SPIRITS: Your Purpose Is Prosperous. This channeled message gives you a way to find your purpose, then follow it so that spirit will support your efforts. You can act from fear, but then be directed to failure or you can act from faith and then be directed to abundance.

It is very easy to understand your purpose for this lifetime. Simply feel your way through life. As you get in touch with your feelings you will understand better what is your purpose and what is not and you should make choices always based on your soul’s plan for this lifetime, what your purpose is.
When you feel good about something, when you feel excited, that is your soul speaking to you. Your soul speaks to you in the language of feelings. And when you feel anxious or unhappy or like as if you’re putting a lot of effort into something and nothing comes back to you that is a big red mark on path of your life stating to you not to go in that direction.
You should always follow the feeling and the path of least resistance, the feeling of gladness, of joy and the path that is opening before you. Each of you who has called in this evening for advice if you are not able to speak with us today then simply keep that in mind for your own life, that when you follow your heart, that is your soul, you will know better that this is on your path and that all the powers that be in the universe will be there to support your need and your drive towards that abundant goal.
Goals that are on your path will also have the hallmark or quality of abundance attached to them. They will come from a sense that you can do anything, that you can aspire and achieve anything. Any goal that is set because a sense lack, an inability to accomplish, is coming from fear, or your ego and fear will always have you in the corner, away from everything you want, fearful that you can attain nothing.
Most disease, most insecurity, most mental illness, comes from the beginning of the fear, a sense of being disconnected, as if you have no connection to the all that is and as if you’re alone on earth fighting and fending for your self.
And so those are the two ways to find in your own life if you’re on your path, if it will happen, whether or not there will be power behind your desire, you goal, and what choice you should make. If you feel fearful or your choice is coming from a sense of lack, not enough,perhaps this would not happen for you, you are not good enough, there is just not enough supply, those kind of ideas behind setting a goal, are not helpful to you.
Always choose from the sense of abundance, infinite abundance, and you will find, that spirit will come in to support you in your every choice.
CHANNELING SPIRITS: Your Purpose Is Prosperous
Spirit Medium Laura’s comment. I have found in my own life that I am quite often motivated to do something because of fear, not having enough, or lack. More often that not when my desires are motivated by fear, I make mistakes, don’t follow my feelings, become out of touch with a gentle guiding power of force which leads me beyond destruction to infinite abundance.
So in your own life, strive to follow faith rather than fear. You will find abundance will follow right behind this.
CHANNELING SPIRITS: Your Purpose Is Prosperous. To learn what is your purpose and how to follow faith, BOOK your private APPOINTMENT with Spirit Medium Laura by going to