Chinese Face Reading Basics. Gain insight to who you are by understanding basics of Chinese Face Reading techniques.
The other day I was thinking about the daughter of a friend I knew from the past. As I tried to prove a point to myself, I started analyzing her facial features in accordance with what my mother taught me about Chinese Face Reading.
Weak Chin – Chinese Face Reading Basics
Suddenly I remembered how this young woman’s chin was weak and her mouth was large and full. I remembered what my mother said about a weak chin.
A weak chin means you are not very ambitious or driven. A strong chin means you are very determined, forceful and assertive.
This made sense to me. This young woman wanted to be a supportive wife and nurturing mother. She was not interested in a career outside the home or making a place for herself in the external world.
Indeed, when I met her she was this. Pregnant with her third child, she made the perfect mate to an ambitious man who was making their family wealthy through his business efforts.
Then I remembered a few other points about Chinese Face Reading.

Strong Nose – Chinese Face Reading Basics
My mother had told me a strong nose meant someone was ambitious, had a lot of drive and was very assertive.
I remembered this lovely young woman had a smaller nose which was perfectly in balance with her features. She was not very aggressive or assertive.
These memories triggered in me to desire to make a short study of Chinese Facial Reading Basics. Here is some more information.

Three Highlights of Chinese Facial Reading Basics
High Forehead
In Chinese Facial reading a high forehead is a “lucky” feature. It suggests a developed intellect, literary leanings, analytical nature, good thinker, an appreciation of science.
I have a high forehead and can take ownership of this. I even majored in English Literature in college. As well, I love science as it relates to health.
Low Forehead
You act quicker than you link. You are more a person that takes action rather than thinks about situations before taking action.

Moles or Markings on the Face
The location of a mole on the face means something significant happened to you at age the Chinese face map (below) denotes.
Location of Moles or Markings On Your Face – Chinese Facial Reading Basics
Each place on the face has an age association with it. Use the chart below to link any moles or marks on your face at various ages to see if anything significant happened or will happen.

Age 57
I have a mole at the location for 57 years old on my face. At this age I met a significant love relationship for me this lifetime.
The relationship did not work out. Loss of that relationship changed everything about my life from that point forward.
It catapulted me into the type of work I do now. While the loss at first was devastating, it positively transformed me from a lack of identity into having a deep sense of value and worth as person.
Age 22
It is very interesting to note on my face a slight mole is at the location of 22 on the map. This location just happens to be the place of the third eye.
To me this means I was born to be a psychic as I was born on the 22 of July. I did not notice I was psychic at 22 years old, however. That did not happen until I was 30 years old.

The Lips – Chinese Facial Reading Basics
“People with thick lips are realistic, gentle, sentimental, not excellent at expressing themselves but energetic, compassionate, optimistic, satisfied, and dedicated; occasionally, they are so emotional that they lose reasonable judgment. s you are an eager talker and communicator while thin lips would mean you are stilted in this area. ” Taken from
Lips can indicate if you are giver or a taker or balanced in this area.
Balanced Upper and Lower Lips
This means you are balanced in the amount you give and take.
Bigger Lower Lip
This means you take much more than you give and vice versa. A bigger upper lip means you give more than you take.
Think about your lips for a moment. Does this make sense for you? Do you know anyone who this might fit?
My father had a larger lip than his lower lip. He was an excellent provider for the family, but he made sure his needs were met too.
I am not so sure this makes sense for my father.
Thin Lips
My mother had extremely thin lips.
“Thin lips are associated with being more serious, responsible and hard working. Such a person may judge him or herself harshly and similarly expect high standards of others. This can result in a greater drive and motivation to do well in life. ” Taken from

Your Assignment – Chinese Facial Reading Basics
Review the following resources to learn more about how Chinese Face Reading applies to you.
This page from Houston Fox TV has a video at the top of the page with a little more detail about the above concepts.
This video elaborates more on ten basic facial features and their meanings.
Hope you enjoyed this introduction to Chinese Face Reading.
Spirit Medium Laura