HIP PAIN: Symptoms of Tight Hip Flexors
I wonder how many people have gotten a hip replacement when they could have avoided it by exercising their hip flexors? Wow. The implications are outrageous!
I wonder how many people go to a doctor and blindly hand their fate over without using their God given mind, intuition, mental faculties to help find the best solution?
I find that when I use my mind to create reality I am led to the right doctor, the best, most cost effective, least invasive, most holistically successful solution.
This article is about how to use your head in solving the problem of hip pain.

HIP PAIN: Symptoms of Tight Hip Flexors
The reason I say this is because recently after using my subconscious mind to set intention to the universe to heal the excruciating pain in my hips, I was spiritually led to the idea of hip flexors to remedy this situation.
I had been having tremendous hip pain, to the point where I was having difficult walking, sitting, standing and dancing.
Dancing is my hobby, so not being able to do it would mean the beginning of the end for me, not to mention not being able to walk, would also be a problem.
I was at a loss for solutions. I had bought a Kyro Bak, a physical therapy machine my older sister had used to eliminate her hip pain.
It was relaxing, but did not seem to do the job.
I had tried a few things like eating an anti-inflammatory diet. That did not work.
I tried stretching upwards, different yoga postures and so on. That did not work.
Nothing seemed to work and my pain was getting worse. I was starting to think I would need hip replacement! Yuck! I was not ready for that!
I kept doing my meditation to heal my hips on a daily basis. If you are curious about using the mind to create reality check out my manifesting wealth page HERE.
This stuff works!
When you set intention to the universe while in a meditative state, spirit will lead you. Here is how it led me.
While I was at my computer late one evening doing some unrelated work, I saw a head line about “hip flexors.”
I did not know what they were, but I was curious. Deep within my memory I did remember a physical therapist or two telling me my hip flexor muscles were tight and shortened.
I never bothered to ask what that meant. I was too deeply wound up in the idea I had a terribly serious lower back problem called spondylolisthesis. This means slippage of the vertebrae.
I think the physical therapy I was doing for this was not addressing my hip flexor issue. It focused only on my lower back.
As well, I was sitting more for my work than usual. Sitting it seems was making it worse!
HIP PAIN: Symptoms of Tight Hip Flexors
So I saw this article and clicked on it. There I found a few words which opened my eyes. The page described the following symptoms to indicate my hip flexors needed help.
I had almost every one of these symptoms and some of them were getting worse!
- Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips
- Walking with discomfort
- Hips locking up
- Bad posture
- Trouble sleeping
- Sluggishness in day to day life
- High Anxiety
- Digestive problems
- Compromised Immune System
- Circulatory issues
- Loss of sexual performance
- Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports
Then it said one of the causes of tight hip flexors is SITTING! I sit for a living, and had increased the amount of sitting I was doing of late because I was working on Internet marketing more.
So I was hooked. I started doing hip flexor exercises to stretch and strengthen them and another muscle close to it called the Psoas.
Withing a few days I began to feel better.
I still have some pain, but it is diminishing rapidly over time. For example, if I have been sitting for a while when I get up now I am somewhat stiff and in pain.
Another thing which I think is worth mentioning I feel less anxious, more optimistic, was like an athlete in ballet class this week, my immune system seems better, my digestion seems better and have more energy.
I have had problems as mentioned above in all these areas for most of my life and just thought it was the way it was. Now I feel better overall. Could hip flexors have been the cause of all of this?
Before I started these exercises I was bent over and needed to hang on a piece of furniture before I could walk. That was getting a bit embarrassing when I was out with friends.
Everyone else at the table could sit for dinner then get up and leave. When I got up I was bent over for a few minutes in deep pain before I could walk.
HIP PAIN: Symptoms of Tight Hip Flexors
FREE Report. If you would like detailed information about how to exercise the body to reduce hip pain, just enter your email here and you will promptly be forwarded to the report.
PRIVATE APPOINTMENT: If you would like to learn how to use your mind to heal your body, create conditions in your life, or if you would like a health medium opinion you can book a private appointment HERE.
Christina, So sorry for the delay. Technical difficulties hid this comment from me. Here is a link to info about Hip Flexor Workout. https://0d05afig44i42xgbo2y7vpaocf.hop.clickbank.net/
I went further than this and developed my own exercise routine. Now I have NO MORE PAIN in my hips or knees, my hips do not lock up and my abdomen is flat. If you are interested email me and I will send you the routine I do. psychicmediumlaura@gmail.com. Blessings, Laura
When I click on “Go HERE to get FREE REPORT” in above article I am forwarded to more details about the exercises. If that is not enough information I suggest you search on Google or YouTube.com for Hip Flexor Exercises to relieve pain. You will be forwarded to many that work. If exercises do not work or if you desire additional detail I suggest you check with your chosen licensed medical professional. Thanks Laura
Hi there, I’d love the free hip flexor workout you offer. I put my email in the field but it kept saying invalid email. Trying my luck here. Have had and have most of the symptoms you mention. I also sit for work. I usually walk and do a home yoga practice every day but the pain in my right hip, lower back and right knee have caused me to stop. Looking forward to seeing the report. Thank you, Beth
I tried to send my email to get my hip flexor work out but it said my email was invalid please let me know what is happening