CLAIRVOYANT: Love Advice From Spirit

BOOK SESSION: Book your private appointment with Spirit through Laura at

CLAIRVOYANT:  Love Advice From Spirit

A "Spirit photograph" taken by the Crewe Circle, and the known paranormal hoaxer William Hope. Taken in 1931, this picture shows purportedly shows Mrs Hortense Leverson and the spirit of her deceased husband Major Leverson. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, even though I was not feeling well yesterday, I took two Tylenols and into the session I went.

The client had called the day before “feverishly” relaying to me she had lost her husband.  When she arrived, a gorgeous Eurasian, about 5′ 9″ in height, slender, perfect body, her first question of spirit was, “Is my husband cheating on me?”

I don’t know about other psychics, but I HATE these types of readings.   The awareness and consciousness of the client is not the best for the kind of work I do.

The thing that made this session unique is that this woman created her own international business from the first million her father had given her.  She traveled extensively, lived in several international locations, had FIVE children, four of which were boys, was married to a younger man and looked like a model.

After our session which for most is very pricey, she threw at me several large cash bills for easing her pain.  It was obvious, money had no real value to her as to most people.  

CLAIRVOYANT:  Love Advice From Spirit

Here is what happened in the session.  

I first went to spirit to get the answer.  I asked spirit if her husband was cheating on her.  It was a clear, firm and solid, “NO.”

Then I used a blind system to get the answer.  I had the client choose from colors I presented.  Some colors stand for yes and some for no.  (Spirit calls this Soul Talk Magic.)

She chose “NO” twice.  So we had three emphatic NOs.  I had to take it and to be honest so did she.

CLAIRVOYANT:  Love Advice From Spirit

I was glad I was able to help, but she certainly did not need a full hour for this session.  But for her money was not an issue, love was.

Love you all!  Have a great day!

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