How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation. Incredible healing is available to you if you relax, “see,” and ask.
SUMMARY of STEPS to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation
Step 1. Start with total healing. Imagine white in through light crown out feet. Green light from bottom of feet out crown. Pink light in through crown. Stay in body.
Step 2. Ask spirit to reveal your blocked chakra(s) by revealing a number from 1 to 7.
Step 3. Look in that Chakra. Read colors you see. Each color in that chakra other than the correct one is a block. Review the colors you see as blocks.
Step 4. Channel Affirmative prayer to clear & heal the blocked chakra. Ex. for Solar Plexus. I now feel powerful and balanced. I release xxx and xxx.
Step 5. Channel (visualize) correct color being sent into the blocked Chakra to clear and heal.
Step 6. Do for chakras that need healing.
INTRODUCTION – How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation
It is possible to cleanse your chakras for deep healing by following the meditation steps outlined below. I just finished leading my sister through a healing using these steps.
When I called my sister on the phone today she sounded down, cranky and physically out of sorts. She had a stomach ailment, dizziness and pain in one of her hips.

I was a bit hesitant to try to heal and Cleanse her Chakras using the meditations spirit channeled to me. I thought she might find it silly, ineffective or perhaps ridiculous in some way.
I also must point out that when spirit channeled this Chakra Healing modality to me I did not know that it is a version of the Rainbow Healing from India.
Steps – How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation
These are the steps I did with my sister that you can do on your own for self healing whenever necessary or needed.
STEP 1. RECLINE. Be in a reclined open body position (nothing crossed). You can also be seated, but works better if you are completely relaxed.
STEP 2. DEEP BREATHES. Take a couple of deep breathes from your abdomen. Relax fully and completely on exhale.
STEP 3. WHITE LIGHT. Imagine a sparkling ball of white light above your head. This light moves in the top of your head traveling down through your body filling every crevice and space with the soothing, cool and clearing feeling of white light. This light drains out all toxins, resistance and darkness through the bottom of your feet. You are now open to receive.
STEP 4. GREEN LIGHT. Imagine a ball of sparkling green light moving in through the bottom of your feet, traveling up through your body, filling every crevice and space with the healing, peaceful and nurturing feeling of green light. This light leaves your body out the top of your head. You are now open to raise your vibration.
STEP 5. VIOLET PINK LIGHT. Imagine a ball of sparkling violet pink light above your head. This light holds the highest vibration possible for you to receive healing later from Chakra Rainbow healing. Imagine this light travels in through the top of your head into every nook and cranny of your body, making you feel clear, smart and special, ready to receive a deeper, more profound healing.

STEP 6. CHAKRA NUMBER. Ask yourself which chakra needs healing now. Ask for a number from 1 to 7. My sister said the number 3, which is the Solar Plexus. This is what I got too for her.
What number does your subconscious reveal to you? Write it down. Then look it up on following chart.
KEY: The 1st chakra is the Root Chakra. We count upward from there to the Crown Chakra, which is number 7.

STEP 7. COLORS. Ask yourself what colors you see in this chakra. Be open to what you do see. My sister saw the colors red, green, blue and yellow. I saw for her red, green and yellow. I did not see blue.
There is no right or wrong here. Spirit will give you what you need today.
STEP 8. ANALYZE. Correlate the colors you see with the chakras. For example the color red indicates the root chakra. The root chakra can stand for scarcity. The color blue is the throat chakra, being heard.
STEP 9. INTERPRET. If you see the color red (Red = Root Chakra, Scarcity ) and the color blue (Blue = Throat Chakra, Communication, Being Heard) in the Solar Plexus (Yellow Solar Plexus, Chakra 3, Self Esteem, Personal Power) you feel a scarcity of being heard which affects your sense of personal power.

COINCIDENCE – How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation
STEP 10. COINCIDENCES. The strange thing about all of this is that my sister had a very vivid dream the night before, which she then recalled as we analyzed her chakra information. She dreamed of being a wise, spiritual mentor to others, feeling very powerful, effective and appreciated.
She realized then that she needed to “hear” herself better about her metaphysical, spiritual powers so that others could hear her better.
Think of any coincidences (synchronicity) in your life around the colors you found for yourself today. Each time you do this your results will be different. You may or may not have any relevant synchronicity.

Step 11. Takeway: When we Hear Our Selves Others Will Hear Us – How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation
My sister realized she was not appreciating herself, her personal power, to start choosing ways to amplify them, not only for herself, but perhaps for others as well.
She did not feel heard, but could not be heard until she heard herself!
STEP 12. TYING TOGETHER. Check with yourself to see if there is anything else spirit wants to tell you about this chakra, your message and your life.
Right now as I am writing this article I recalled something I did not “get” when working with my sister.
In the past, I had once asked if spirit would reveal any past life times my sister had that were very important to this one.
Spirit immediately channeled through me, “Your sister was a Maian (spelled M A I A N, not M A Y A N) [yes spirit spelled this].”
Spirit said she was a healer in Southern Italy, lived in a cave, wore white long robes, had a gold bracelet on her upper arm. She knew how to heal with herbs and did so for animals and humans.
It is no coincidence that my sister is extremely astute with nutritional medicine and herbs this life time.
I looked this up as soon as I could. Indeed the Maians were in southern Italy and Greece in the ancient world. They usually lived in caves and did occult magic and healing.
Reference 1 and Reference 2 for Maian culture in Italy and Greece.

As I remembered this, I realized this life time my sister planned to come to earth to experience lessons about relationships, not goddess magic. These lessons required she repress the healing power she had already developed in other life times.
The repression of her power was relayed in the “How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation” we did today.
As I pondered this I realized this healing revealed how to honor her power by personally acknowledging she has it.
This would “free” her to focus her day to day healed energy on love and relationships.
I hope you enjoyed this discourse about How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation. This is more than a cleansing.
This is an extremely rich healing modality available to do on your own today!
Spirit Medium Laura
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