Clear Acne After Menopause. Acne after menopause can be attributed to many things, but really the simplest remedy is usually the best.
Clear Acne After Menopause. Clear Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Dermatitis, Etc. Clear Acne After Menopause And Have Beautiful, Radiant Skin. Well, I finally cleared my skin.
Over the last five years or so I have had a problem with skin breakouts. At first I thought it was hormonal after menopause acne, then Rosacea, then hives, then Histamine intolerance, then food intolerance such as gluten, dairy, nuts, then liver or kidney toxicity, then stress, then the chemicals in makeup or soap sensitivity, etc.
There are so many theories about acne it can make your head spin. The saddest part of this is there are people out there that will lead you into many of these concepts with the products and services to match, but no results!
Finally after months of research, trials and failures, I realized it didn’t matter what you called it. My skin was in an uproar on a regular basis. I do not have a picture of this situation but I will describe it.
Every couple of days my skin would rebel into a combination of hives, rash, redness, roughness, painful bumps under the skin rising into cystic pimples, etc.
My face was a grand symphony of every condition one could imagine.
It was bad enough I was getting older, now I had acne as a nice upstage to wrinkles! Ugh!
However, I had a realization. After a blood test I realized my glucose levels were almost pre-diabetic. At the same time I found material stating that excess insulin could affect skin, creating breakouts.
Excess insulin creates inflammation in the body. Inflammation triggers histamine production. Too much histamine can create break outs.
So I had to get off the sugar treadmill. And while I was at it, I decided to stop eating all toxins like:
- Pesticides.
- Preservatives.
- Antibiotics placed in farm raised fish, non-organic chicken and other man made meats.
- Dyes, flavor enhancers like MSG and any other chemicals added to foods.
- REFINED FLOUR. All flour is refined.
- SUGARS including hidden sugars like Corn Syrup, Rice Syrup, Dextrose, Fructose, simple sugar, including even Agave, etc. (More:
- All refined and process foods.
So here is the first thing I did after I realized sugar and additive toxins could be affecting my skin.
I stopped drinking my morning Fat Free Half and Half.
The ingredients in the darn thing make me choke just thinking about it. Here is the list.
Ingredients: Nonfat Milk, Milk*, Corn Syrup Solids, Artificial Color**, Sugar, Dipotassium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Mono and Diglycerides*, Carrageenan, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Vitamin A Palmitate. *Adds A Trivial Amount of Fat. **An Ingredient Not Normally Found In Hald and Hald. Allergy Warning: Contains Milk. May Contain Traces of Eggs and Soy.
As soon as I stopped drinking this in the morning my skin started to show noticeable improvement.
Then as soon as I had some junk food, particularly if it were sweet or fake VOILA! My skin would acne and rash itself out!
So the solution to healthy, clear skin is to eliminate sugar and processed foods. Eat REAL FOOD instead!
The second part of this is to change your skin care to as natural and nontoxic as possible. Below I list the simple, non toxic skin care I now use, replacing my prior highly inflammatory Clinique products.
Here are examples of the products I use now.
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The theme of these remedies is that man made is NOT better. Real is better.
Real food is better. During this time I stumbled upon a video of how a young man cured himself of colon cancer after adopting a real food raw vegan diet.
As a Certified LEAN Health Coach, the message I am trained to deliver is just this. If man had a hand in making it your hands should avoid it.
Real Plant Cosmetics are better. Real food and now real plant cosmetics should be the staff of life for all of us.
But the biggest GET from all of this is the following, which is rather chilling indeed.
If we are consuming foods, cosmetics, drugs which are man made and suddenly discover that all of it is making us sick what does this say about our society?
Should we move to the country and live off grid, sustainable, etc.?
For me for now, I feel natural remedies seem to be best! However, I am not moving anywhere, just making here better.
Spirit Medium Laura
To book your medical intuition health coaching appointment with Laura go to
Further Reading….
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