Communicate With Spirit Using Cards. Get a message From a Loved One in Heaven or an Angelic Guide from a smartphone app or computer using an online reading card deck.
My First Try to Communicate With Spirit Using A Blind Method
I tried to find a good app to get a message from a loved one in heaven, but, alas, they were not very good! Ratings were in the 3.0 out of 5.0 range.
So here is a way to use what already exists to improve your ability to attain a message from a loved one in spirit. This method is VERY ACCURATE!
In the past I created a way to get messages from spirit easily. It worked! My partner Brenda said I should make it into an app, but I got lazy. :)
How To Communicate With Spirit Using Soul Talk Magic
We used this method, SOUL TALK MAGIC, on my radio show.
Basically a caller to the show would ask a question. I, or Brenda, would give them a choice of two colors.
We would set up the relationship of the color to the correct answer right before we used it.
One color stood for the answer YES.
The other color stood for the answer NO.
It would open up the psychic channel from spirit for the rest of the answer.
We are all psychic. This means YOU, ME and, well, EVERYONE.
How to Communicate With Spirit Using Dreams
Our dreams prove we are inherently psychic. When we go to sleep at night our minds receive guidance from spirit.
We often can have dreams that present answers to questions we have, messages from loved ones on the other side, insight to ourselves, our life and healing.
Some people tell me, “BUT I DO NOT DREAM!”
I say, “You ARE dreaming, but simply don’t remember them because you do not pay attention to them. “
So how do you tell your mind you want to pay attention to your most valuable insight tool, your dreams?
By asking to remember your dreams before you go to bed.
Then in the morning within 5 minutes of awakening, take a journal and write down anything you can remember about your dreams.
Using this method consistently over time you will begin to remember your dreams!
This technique is especially powerful if you are trying to get a message from a loved one in spirit.
How to Communicate with Spirit Using Cards – Actual Steps
Follow these steps to automatically and easily tap into your intuitive subconscious mind to get a message from a loved one in spirit or an angelic guide!
WARNING! This method takes an enormous amount of psychic energy, so it will not work if you do it over and over again, day after day or treat it like a game.
- LIMIT your use of this method to the times you feel focused so you can obtain accurate connections. NEVER do this mindlessly. Does not work.
Please read all directions once through before trying to do it. This will give you the best results!
- CHOOSE the DECK or METHOD. There are many Internet and Smartphone free card reading apps. I recommend you use a spiritual deck like Soul Cards below, rather than day to day message type. Here are a few I have used.
- Soul Cards (online deck no longer available). Love this method. Guided meditation included to walk you through the steps. After I set the intention to hear from my mother on the other side, I received the following card. Does this not look like a nurturing soul in spirit giving a gift to someone on earth? To me it does! I used Soul Card Deck 2. Go HERE to see the website and products. The online deck is no longer available.

- Hay House Angel Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine. This is the deck I used below for another online experience. I really like the spirituality of the messages. I received what I consider to be a very accurate message from my mother in spirit with this deck, too.
- Smartphone App: Ask the Angels Oracle Cards. 4.7 stars. Wow! When I followed instructions below I got another accurate message for me from my mother in spirit. Love this app!
- YES/NO answers. If you want to get a definitive Yes or No answer using an online deck here is an excellent one. Remember to focus intensely on your questions as you peruse the cards. Keep your eyes closed as you drag your mouse over the deck until you feel to stop. That is your answer card. Go HERE.
- Another good deck to get messages. What a great Tarot deck and reading. Again I focused on my mother when I shuffled the deck, asking her give me the messages. I used just the first few cards (out of 6 they give you) for my message, which was very very accurate for me.
- Lady Lenormand Free Reading Deck. Great set of cards with extensive messages for you to try as well. Brenda, who I mentioned above, has intuitively created these card decks. I believe Brenda is working on one for messages from pets on the otherside.
- NEW! Brenda has completed two other tools to connect to spirit. One is a Rainbow Bridge to connect to pets who have transitioned and one is a charm reading system. Linked below.
- Rainbow Bridge Deck:
- Reading Charms:
- NEW! Brenda has completed two other tools to connect to spirit. One is a Rainbow Bridge to connect to pets who have transitioned and one is a charm reading system. Linked below.
- NO CARD METHOD. You can do this for a YES/NO question. Set up the question. Visualize the loved one in spirit you want an answer from or ask an angelic guide. Feel the emotional connection. See the words YES and NO in your mind. Now keep repeating these words until one of them jumps out at you. This is your answer.
2. DEFINE: Who do you want a message from? Do you want a general message or do you have a specific question? What is that question? Be prepared with this before you use the cards.
a. LOVED ONE. Think of the loved one you would like a message from. Focus on this person intensively. If you have something of theirs like their ashes, or a special object or picture hold it in your hand. Feel the love you have for them intensively.
b. ANGELIC GUIDE (for life issues). Focus intensively about your life question and your strong desire to have it answered. Guides answer questions from a spiritual, love and growth perspective.
3. LOAD DECK. Bring the deck up in front of you. Get ready to begin. Read all instructions for the deck you have since each one is different.
4. REHEARSE. Do a test run using the mechanics of the deck before you do the actual connection to your loved one in heaven. Psychic work is a delicate and deliberate task. Having respect for it with preparation delivers the results you desire!
5. FOCUS. Focus intensely on the name, face and feelings for your loved one in spirit. Focus on YOUR QUESTION or the MESSAGE REQUEST you have. It can be helpful to do a meditation and prayer asking for your loved one in spirit to come through.
6. USE THE DECK. Scroll, shuffle or simply do what the deck you chose says to do. [I did this using an Internet deck from my computer, not a Smartphone app. This deck required I placed my mouse on an arrow on the side of the page. As the cards scrolled past me. I intensely focused on how I felt.]
7. PAY ATTENTION to how you FEEL. You will suddenly feel a jolt, or instinct when the right card presents. As I scrolled I felt a jolt at the card I was supposed to read. (This is the natural psychic part of you working!)
8. GET MESSAGE. Read your message.

MY READING WAS EXTREMELY ACCURATE! Why? Because I did what I wrote above.
I wanted to talk to my mother in spirit. I focused on her face, and my love for her.
I placed my mouse on the scrolling arrow on the side of the deck.
As the cards scrolled past me I felt a jolt when a specific card went by.
This was my mother telling me to choose that card!
When I clicked on it I was AMAZED! I gained a lot of insight about myself and what my mother would have said to me if she were physically with me.
It was a quite an experience!
Enjoy your journey with this method. It is so much fun!
If you feel the need for a personal session with spirit though me, Spirit Medium Laura, simply go HERE to book.
Sending you oodles of light and love!