CONSCIOUS LIVING is CONSCIOUS DYING! How to Choose Your Time of Transition. Why ALL Death is SUICIDE. Learn how conscious living fulfills life purpose, joy, awareness and CONSCIOUS choice of your transition.
This week I brought in two separate souls from the other side who died by taking their own lives with a gun to their head.
I kept hearing in my head I needed to write about this. There was something significant in this coincidence.
I thought perhaps certain mediums are chosen by spirit for suicides, since I get an inordinate amount of them in the sittings I do as a medium.
After writing the article I decided to do some channeling on the subject to add support to my thesis. I was surprised at what was said.
Rather than focus on my question about spirit selecting certain mediums for suicides, spirit instead surprised me by stating certain mediums are not chosen to bring in suicides.
As these words channeled through me from Ascended Master Dom Ignacio I realized it was true, of course, aha!
SUICIDE is not the issue.
CONSCIOUS DYING is the issue.
The high amount of suicides I get as a medium is because spirit works through me on evolving consciousness from fear to love, from victim to victorious, from sad to glad.
Spirit works through me to help souls evolve to become more conscious of their lives on earth, the decisions they are making and most importantly LIVING CONSCIOUSLY to choose JOY.
This is more than facts. It is the meaning behind the accurate evidential mediumship sitting.
Here is the channeling on this subject from my master guide, St. Ignatius Loyola (Ascended Master Dom Ignacio).

Dear Spirit Guides, do souls who committed suicide have to find specialized mediums to bring them through?
We in spirit realm do not think of suicide as different from other ways of transition because in ALL cases humans decide when they will transition.
Humans decide when they will transition consciously or unconsciously. Suicide is a conscious decision, other forms of transition are not.
We in spirit realm do not consider suicide evil or hurtful or in any way disfiguring of the soul imprint, the soul mask.
We ask that you tell your brethren to listen to their hearts more to decide when they will transition.
So they can be more conscious of this state and die with fulfillment of who they are, what they desire and what they accomplish.
When you are more conscious you then transition to spirit with a heart fulfilled instead of a heart distilled by fear, upset, dismay, disassociation of self from soul, etc.
When you are living more consciously on earth you fulfill your purpose and consciously choose the time of your transition because you have fulfilled what you came to earth to do.
In other words living consciously requires you know who you are, what you came to earth to do and then when you transition.
No one on earth transitions even if it seems like an accident without fully knowing what they decided to do beforehand. This is a soul level awareness.
So even those that seem to have been transitioned accidentally have decided on a soul level this was their time.
If one takes time every day to meditate and ask to fulfill their dreams in concert with their soul, they will find transition happens more consciously to their ego mind.
God bless.
Spirit Medium Laura channeling the over soul of St. Igatius Loyola (Ascended Master Dom Ignacio)
Book your private session with spirit through Laura HERE.
I do believe that this is true. After all, knowing that we are mortal implies that our transition will occur regardless of the cause. I also believe that the biggest issue with conscious suicide is that it is many times predicated from a lack of joy. If then we have greater understanding once we’ve transitioned then we would also know the regret of not having found or simply lost the joy while here and also become aware of the depth of hurt or even harm we have brought to others impacted by our decision to voluntarily transition. I too have had communication with souls who have voluntarily committed suicide and the messages are usually sorrowful. i guess we will each have a broader understanding of this after we transition.
Thanks Amy. Gosh I knew you were a widow, but did not know the background to this. Sending you big warm hugs. Laura
Thank you very much Laura! Great info! It hits home as my once upon a time beloved husband and then ex hubby ( not recommended) committed suicide or so it appears. Would of,could of, should of stayed happily married. I was so lucky and your article helps soften the blow. Thank you again Laura!
Hi Diana, Yes, it is all a learning experience to evolve to JOY. :) Thanks for your comment.
So very interesting …..
There is so much about ourselves that we have yet to learn maybe our lives on earth is all a learning experience