HOW TO CREATE REALITY. The way to create reality is to STOP creating it, and instead BE it.
Lol! OK. article over.
No, but really; most of us have at least one dream that evades us no matter what we do.
Today we are going to try to figure out, “Why is it I cannot get what I want in this area of my life?”
Have you seen the commercial on TV for Noom? It is a behavioral modification program for weight loss.
“What is Noom? Targeted at millennials, Noom is a health app designed by behavioral psychologists to help you lose weight for the long run. It focuses on making tangible, sustainable lifestyle shifts rather than encouraging more extreme styles of eating (e.g., cutting out specific food groups or nutrients).”
Taken from
Many people in western society believe to lose weight you must eat less junk food (like chocolate cake) and more whole food (like celery).
However, even though they know this, when they try to MISS the MARK of chocolate cake arriving in their mouth, it’s often a BULLS EYE!
When they try to HIT the MARK of celery entering their mouth they MISS the MARK!
How can this be so? They know what to do, but somehow they sabotage.
Some popular conundrums might include:
- LOVE. I want to find love. I know what to do to find love but when I do it I either ruin the relationship I am in, attract inadequate candidates, or don’t attract anyone at all.
- MONEY. I try to make money, but no matter what I do I end up without it. I am either never able to make enough, hold onto it or manage it well. I can’t seem to get a good job. I never get promoted at work. I can’t follow a budget. I sabotage my judgement about how to invest or where to place my money, etc.
- WEIGHT. I have tried and tried to lose weight. At times I think I know what to do to lose it. I force myself to do this, but then, I lose control and go right back to the sabotage. I think my metabolism is just slow. I believe I am meant to hold onto excess weight. This is just my correct weight.
“OK, so what can I do about all of this?” you might be thinking.
This morning I had an epiphany about something I was doing that was sabotaging my success in a particular area of my life.
It was like the entire mangled mess became very clear to me.
I knew what I was supposed to do, but I was not doing it. This by the way had been going on for many years. (No its not weight, lol!)
All of a sudden I saw myself as a Digital Being Living in the Now following what I knew I had to do to reach a goal, rather than sabotaging it.
I decided I would explore this a bit further by channeling The Ones on this subject. Here is what came through.

The problem is NOT in knowing what to do.
The problem is in DOING it.
Some might call this the ZEN of Life.
Going into the PRESENCE of BEING, rather than the MENACE of MEANING.
Looking for meaning in situations, creates judgment.
Judgment from human perspective is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL or FEAR.
What we judge we create.
Judgment comes from your beliefs. Can you change your belief to create clean judgment, correct assessments?
It is far more effective to not JUDGE. When you judge you are stepping out of the now into the FEAR of EGO.
Beliefs are FEAR based. We form beliefs to protect our self from harm. It is a normal, natural state to try to avoid harm by creating judgments based on beliefs.
Beliefs are there to protect you! Trying to change your beliefs only creates further resistance to hold them, resulting in a cacophony of fear.
It is far more effective to step beyond beliefs into the now. Don’t JUDGE things. Simply be.
When you are living in the space of being, what IS can express. What you believe is not expressing.
You begin to operate like a well oiled machine in the terrain of FEAR called life.
You become bullet proof.
Here is an Affirmative Prayer Meditation to help replant yourself into the now of being and out of the FEAR from BELIEFS.
“I am a digital being. I am made of positive and negative electrons and charges.
“All these ions join together in harmonious composition to create me in the now, devoid of distortions, judgment, fear or believing.
“Simply being present in the now, following what is, allows my effective living.
“I step firmly from wanting, hoping and praying into having, knowing and affirming my highest good.
“Hoping and dreaming are now replaced with knowing and being.
“I am an effectual human being on my path of light achieving that which I came to earth to do.
“I am my highest version of self.
“I am expressing that which I know to be true. I retreat from FEAR to being in the now of knowing my true self is good, is GOD, is pure light.
“Amen and so it is.”
The Ones Channeled through Spirit Medium Laura
Here is a book, “The Power of Now,” for further empowerment.
Book your private appointment with your Spiritual Guides through Laura go HERE.