Dangers of internet dating. Be careful. There are many predators out there looking for a woman who is vulnerable, perhaps in mourning after the loss of her husband or partner. This article warms you of one scam.
As a psychic I have the privilege to witness the personal trials and tribulations of humanity. Today I found a repeat of the same internet dating scam connected to oil rigs.
Two clients now of mine have experienced the dangers of internet dating by meeting online a man younger than them, working on an oil rig or involved in the oil drilling business, who suddenly ran out of money and need it from my client before they can get to meet them.
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The first client did not tell me about this until it was too late and gave the man money, which was what he wanted from her.
Here Are The Internet Dating Scam Steps
First Scam Step. They try to find women older than them, who are widowed or seemingly lonely. The men pose as good looking, younger than them, and very interested in them.
Second Scam Step. They have a hardship story that is a mirror to a hardship story the woman has.
One man told my client he was a widower. His said his wife had died of cancer. My client had lost her husband to cancer, so he used this weakness of hers to bond her to him.
Third Scam Step. These men both suddenly had a need for money before they could come home to meet the woman.
The first client’s man said he worked in South Africa as an engineer on an oil project and needed money from her to finally come home to meet her.
She did give him the money, but he never came home.
The second client was today. As soon as I felt her energy I sensed a male younger than her was trying to drain her. He was needy in some way and wanted money from her.
When she told me the story of how he told her he was working on the Baltic Sea on an oil rig, but needed money from her to complete his project, I was able to warn her before it was too late.
Glad Spirit could be of help. Thank you Spirit!
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Spirit Medium Laura
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