If you are in a stressful life situation without anyone to help, here are some powerful, inexpensive ideas to help you manage stress.
Sarah ran off to the bathroom again at work. This was the fifth time today. She had a light, bland sandwich at lunch, yet the burning in her stomach was excruciating. She was unable to sit still too long from the pain and other side effects from digestion issues.
Her life was very stressful. She had to work in a job which was unfulfilling, chaotic and rushed. Yet even her eleven hour days could not cover her monthly over head.

She was a caregiver to her aging mother. Her siblings did not offer any real or practical help. This was how she spent all of her free time, of which not much was left.
She felt very lonely. She had no partner to share all the responsibilities, trials and tribulations she had to withstand.
She had gone for medical tests. Nothing wrong was found with her to produce such digestive symptoms. When she tried to meditate, she felt some relief. This led her to conclude her symptoms were stress related.
If you are in a stressful life situation without anyone to help, here are some powerful, inexpensive ideas to help you manage stress. Do the ones that resonate for you.
1. Meditation and Hypnosis. Use free guided meditations and hypnosis videos on youtube.com. Buy some if you find one that is particularly helpful. Here is a self hypnosis anti anxiety audio series.
2. Gratitude. Do gratitude lists daily to help you become more aware of your emotions. This awareness will help you to do some deep breathing, let go and detach from your stress when it happens. Awareness is empowerment.
3. Vibrational Healing. Use aromatherapy, flower or plant essence, incense and candles to sooth and remind yourself that you are calm. A light blue candle, burned with lavender incense or lavender oil can help relax you. Do this daily. Here are some vibrational tools.
Spa therapy stress relief kit
Bache Flower Remedy
Lavendar Oil – Calming
4. Nutrition. Stay away from certain foods that do not agree with you and/or are stimulating to your adrenal system. No spicy foods or caffeine, for example. Perhaps take nutritional supplement that can relax you such as:
Stress Relief: TCM Chinese Herbal Formula
Calm – Nutri Calm by Nature’s Sunshine
Calm Homeopathic Essence Remedy
Calm Nutritional Supplements
5. Prayer. Ask a higher power to handle that which you cannot handle.
6. 12 Step Programs such as Co-dependents anonymous can help you learn how to set boundaries and nurture yourself.
7. Support Group. Join a support group for what it is you are going though: grief, divorce, caregiver, etc.

8. Other Ways. Think of other ways to manage your stress and send love to yourself. Exercise daily. Watch a comedy show on TV or movie. Cook yourself a special meal, take a break to watch the sunset, talk to a good spiritual psychic or therapist to gain additional insights, talk to a good friend, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers.
These are just a few ideas on how to nurture and love yourself when you are in a long term situation where no one else is there to take care of you!
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com.