CRITICISM: How to Deal With Criticism
Criticism exists everywhere we go. Your parents might have been hyper critical of you. No matter what you did it was not good enough.
You might criticize your own children, thinking it helps them develop into exceptional people.
Maybe you or your child was bullied after school.
Our jobs can expose us to criticism, from Performance Reviews, client conflicts and rules you might not have followed like dressing a certain way or being on time every day.
The Law of Karma says that which we sow, so shall we reap. The Law of Resonance or Vibration says what we resonate we attract.
So, if you are critical of yourself (or your children), you will find others will begin to sense this vibration about and begin to resonate in harmony with it. This in turn attracts their criticism.

It is like you give off a certain vibration that others sense, even if they are not aware of it.
This is why it is so important to be vigilant in your self talk. In the case of children parents should be vigilant in what they say.
Those that have super supportive parents and those that are super supportive of themselves will NOT attract criticism.
So you can use criticism as a way to understand how you are supporting others and yourself.
When you are being criticized use this as a way to explore how you are critical of yourself.
Then STOP it.
Be supportive of YOU and everything you do.
You might wonder if this means you should support yourself eating a pound of chocolate every night after dinner.
lol! Well, err, YES.
Support the fact you are doing this, then, rather than beat yourself up about it, attempt to discover in a loving and supportive way of self, why you are doing this.
Then find a loving solution to self.
If all you did was fight your chocolate habit, you would remain tied to it. This is the Law of Resistance.
That which we resist persists!
Rather than fall into criticism of self, use your awareness to problem solve and self manage.
Shift from criticism to self support (and support of your children) and you will find negative attitudes towards you (and your children) will no longer resonate to your frequency.
You will become criticism free!
Spirit Medium Laura