Yesterday I did my first spirit release (demonic de-possession) work with Bill Lukas, the New York hypnotist relocated to Florida who specializes in this work.  To say it was interesting, would be a severe understatement.

Bill is a very congenial, low keyed individual, not at all intimidating, brash or demonic, if you will.  To say it succinctly, Bill is very nice.  One would never know he was getting ready to film a demonic sitting done with me,  the psychic host of the darn devils.  Ha!

I didn’t know this either and I am the psychic.  But actually, it does make sense.  Choose a psychic who works with spirits all the time, who knows how to protect herself, and who can channel them directly in a protected mode.  Voila!  You have a winning combination for a remote de-possession.

Yes, you heard right.  This was all done remotely.  The subject of the demonic de-possession lives in Moscow, Russia.

So off we went.  I used my usual way to open a session.  Bill then took over with questions.  He started by asking me to “see” who was around the subject.

Then he had the spirits take over.  I was “under” in deep trance having them channel through me.  They said things like they had control over their host, their name was Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus), etc.

But they were not Jesus, nor anything like that.  Some were evil and some were just souls that had not seen the light and gone into it.

Bill made them see the light as I channeled them.  Then they went into it, even against their will.

All in all a fascinating experience.  I am still waiting to hear if the subject feels better.  Hopefully she does and this would have been a good day’s deed.

There will be a video on this coming soon, which will be added to this article and my website, because Bill, good scout that he is, filmed the entire thing.  :)

Spirit Medium Laura