DEPRESSION: Fixing the Cause

DEPRESSION:  Fixing the Cause

At the risk of sounding too simplistic eliminating the cause of depression is probably the easiest way to fix it.  So obvious it is quite often overlooked as a remedy for depression.

Even I, who has learned this over and over again, forgets this very solid, sound principle. I had a client who asked me if taking an anti depressant would be good for her depression.  I told her not to tell me anything else, as I wanted spirit to provide the answer.

The answer was “Yes,” an antidepressant would help somewhat, but the underlying condition was much broader than what the medication would address.

NOTE:  All psychic medical advice is given with the understanding that it is in compliment to, not replacement for, licensed professional medical advice.

It just so happened yesterday I was feeling rather “blue” myself.  I did not sleep well the night before and insisted on going to my very athletic ballet class in the morning.

I enjoyed the class, but as the day went on, I began to feel increasingly exhausted, cranky, incoherent and morose.  The slightest thing seemed to set me off.

So here we had a salient synchronicity.  My client was consulting with me about getting upset in her day to day life and wondered if an antidepressant would help.  I was getting upset in my own life because I had not slept enough the night before.

AHA!  My client actually had PTSD.  In addition, she had to drive hours every day to go to work.  She had a roommate that was giving her a lot of trouble, and her money was not so good of late.

She had become angry on several occasions with her boyfriend.  It was now becoming a problem for their relationship.  She wanted to know if the antidepressant would help.

So what is the advice?  Take a pill if you need for depression.

Oh, better yet get a natural one on  Here is a link to a few natural ones.

But fix the underlying condition for a more permanent solution!  At times that condition could be ill health, exhaustion, or intolerable living conditions.

I needed a GREAT NIGHT’S REST.  My client a new lifestyle.

Today I feel very happy again, renewed, rested and ready for the radio show today.


Spirit Medium Laura.  Book HERE.