Have you had a bout of depression?  Perhaps you are always depressed.  This article goes into how your nutrition, lifestyle and social support can affect your mood.

A summary of nutrients to support your mental health include the following.  In all cases it is better to get your nutrition from real food versus taking a pill.  If you must supplement it is better to choose capsules containing real food, versus chemical pills.


17a.  Increase your omega-3 fats.  Eat wild salmon, fresh water tuna, trout and sardines, and/or taking a good Omega 3 supplement. 

17b.  Increase B vitamins.   The key B vitamins which support a positive mood include Inositol, Thiamine (B-1), B6, folic acid and B12.  Some foods which contain these B vitamins include lambs liver and egg yolks.

17c.  Amino Acids.  Serotonin levels (the feel good hormone) are boosted with Amino Acids, in particular Tryptophan which the body converts into 5-HTP.   Tryptophan can be found in the diet; it’s in many protein rich foods such as meat, fish, beans and eggs.

17d.  Blood Sugar.  Ensure your blood sugar is at an even keel by eating a good balance of green vegetables to complex carbohydrates to protein with each meal.  As well supplementing with Chromium can help ensure steady blood sugar levels.

17e.  Get enough Vitamin D from sunshine or supplementing with  Vitamin D3.  Many doctors are now testing for vitamin D in the blood, being recognized more often as an effect of healthy body chemistry.

17f.  Bad mood foods.   Avoid any chemicals, man made, not real food.  Concentrate on green vegetables.  Quick Summary is Traffic Light System.

Green GO!  75% of plate fill with green vegetables.
YelLOW!  25% of plate.  Includes grass fed omega 3 free range dairy, meat, fowl, wild fish especially salmon, complex starchy carbohydrates like brown rice and beans, coconut oil, olive oil, butter, natural fats and oils.  Fill 25% of plate with these types of foods, whole, natural, unprocessed.
Red NO!  ZERO!  Any processed foods, fried foods, sugars, white flour, simple carbs, processed fats and oils, etc.  Moderate alcohol to none.

17g.  EXERCISE increases serotonin levels in the brain.  Find something physical that you like to do like walking (and talking with friends), dancing, biking, martial arts, etc.  Activity which requires mental engagement, focus, response, concentration and skill is particularly important for developing a health brain.  A healthy brain is a happy brain.

17h.  LIFESTYLE.  Taking inventory of what you want in life and then taking action to support your dreams is critical to emotional well being.  Today take a meditation for 5 minutes, then journal on what you really really want in life.  Then decide what you will do today to support these desires.  Do this every day!

17g.  SOCIAL.  It is always important to have intimate relationships with others.  Studies (The Blue Zone) show that those who live longest have long term intimate relationships with others.  Therefore each day spend some time being in support of others.  In return you will find you are automatically supported back, if for no other reason then your support of them.

BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT.  Spirit Medium Laura is a Certified LEAN Health Coach.  She can be consulted both as a medical intuitive, spiritual healer and health coach for MIND BODY SOUL healing issues you might have in complement to but not replacement for Licensed Professional Advice.

You can book your appointment with Spirit Medium Laura at