Manifest my destiny. You will know you have manifested your destiny when you get lucky, things flow to you and you follow your intuition.
MANIFEST MY DESTINY: Why Destiny Is So Important
Do you know your destiny? Are you fighting your destiny? One of my most significant life lessons is learning how to respect and honor my destiny.
FREE DESTINY and MANIFESTING WEBINAR. Enter email at end of this article to get free webinar which teaches how to follow your destiny so manifesting is almost effortless.

DESTINY CONTROLS EVERYTHING. For example, try as I might to change my business into something other than mediumship, I am constantly guided by my “destiny” through coincidences, synchronicity and even limitations to remain a medium.
Don’t get me wrong. I do LOVE being a medium, but at times I wish I could travel, day dream and just do nothing. Yesterday I had two hours of clients before my radio show. I almost fell asleep during the show I felt so tired.
Then again when I did not have an identity, when I was retired, sitting on a pot of money, I used to wish I had a purpose. Now I know mine.
I would rather have a DESTINY than not! My Destiny keeps bringing me back to mediumship.
I have tried to change this. For example, I tried to move my business towards more of a commercial, product oriented slant, however, destiny pushed me right back to mediumship, but with such ferocity, I felt a bit overwhelmed.
I have no time to move my business in a new direction. Mediumship is my business.
Destiny is a form of luck. when you stop resisting your soul’s plan for you, which is God’s plan, you will find Destiny will scoop you up and carry you along.
It will make your life easier. You will feel more complete, secure and less frightened of not having what you think you want or need.
Simply relax into your Destiny and let the adventure unfold.
MANIFEST MY DESTINY. How do you know you are on point for your Destiny? By looking at the events in your life as they unfold.
If you have been trying very, very, very hard to get something and it is not coming to you, that is NOT your DESTINY.
Your Destiny will unfold through your intuition, having a hunch to do this or that, your being offered an opportunity you barely even tried to get and finally through the things you feel are your limitations.
Destiny is like a sheep in wolf’s clothing. You might think it threatening but really, underneath it is benign.
CHANNELING on how to Manifest Your Destiny
Dear Spirit Guides, how does a person manifest their destiny?
Your Destiny will unfold suddenly at the right time. You could have been totally emerged in what you liked to do with your life, then suddenly destiny will intervene, setting you on a new course.
Yes, Destiny usually is not something you planned to do. Destiny is usually something that happens to you.
This is why it is so important to live your life in a constant state of magnetic flow.
Flow is the magical elixir in which Destiny can activate.
When we say flow we mean living in a state in the moment, the constant now and allowing yourself to be led.
You do not plan Destiny. Destiny comes to you when you learn to let go of control, and open up to what is there.
Here is a simple exercise for you to begin living your Destiny. Today or a day when you have time let go of expectations for that day. Allow things to happen; to come to you.
You will find that magical coincidences begin to emerge, leading you on your soul path and journey.
Destiny is so important. Do not forget this.
Without Destiny we would not have life itself, you see, because Destiny creates itself. Destiny is creation itself.
Destiny is the force, the power of the the all that is. Destiny is GOD.
The Ones (through Spirit Medium Laura)
MANIFEST MY DESTINY. When you learn how to follow your destiny you will find manifesting will almost be effortless.
FREE DESTINY and MANIFESTING WEBINAR. Enter your email in this form to be instantly transported to a free webinar which discusses Manifesting Miracles with Destiny. It will help you understand this concepts further.